Preferred Ruby Plugin for Eclipse

Preferred Ruby plugin for Eclipse?

Try the Dynamic Languages Toolkit for Ruby. It's available from Eclipse's Software Updates panel.

Update May 2020: Ruby support was dropped in DLTK 6.0 in favour of Eclipse Solargraph.

Eclipse and Ruby installation.. need a help

The following link contains several Ruby Eclipse plugins.

I don't use Eclipse, but I read the best tool for Eclipse is Aptana. You might also want to give the DLTK a try (see this answer).

What Ruby IDE do you prefer?

Have you tried Aptana? It's based on Eclipse and they have a sweet Rails plugin.

Eclipse users: Do you use Aptana too?

I have Aptana and Eclipse, but keep them separate since I do a lot of Java programming too. If you have one Eclipse with everything combined, then it turns into a bit of a memory hog (More so than usual) and takes too long to start up. Also, Aptana seems to thrust newsletters at you on startup, so if you use Eclipse for things other than Aptana-stuff, then this is another reason to keep it separate coz it gets a bit annoying after a while.

Can anyone recommend an IDE for developing ruby/cucumber tests

Rubymine has built-in support for Cucumber.

What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows?

Netbeans IDE is quite good.

Can a ruby gem/module be added just like a java jar file?

I have find the answer to this question. I not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it works for me. Pro developers, can you please review this answer ? So, for now let me give quick guide for this.

1 - Install Eclipse DLTK plugin for Ruby as suggested here - Preferred Ruby plugin for Eclipse?
See the answer with photo, by James.

2 - Next, lets pick a random gem such as nokogiri and download it from The file name of the Gem tells you which OS its meant for. I use windows 7 64bits. So, I take version with x64-mingw32. Here is a sample list of downloads: November 7, 2014 java (2.37 MB) November 7, 2014 x64-mingw32 (2.86 MB) November 7, 2014 (8.81 MB) November 7, 2014 x86-mingw32 (3.91 MB)
1.6.4 November 5, 2014 java (2.37 MB)
Show all versions (271 total)

3 - AFAIK, eclipse cannot use the gem file as is. You need to unpack it first. Lets say you kept the gem file in c:\RubyGems\extras, and you want to unpack it there itself.

open windows cmd > cd into the above directory > gem unpack nokogiri- > press enter !!!

Now, your gem will be unpacked into a folder nokogiri-

4 - Locate the nokogiri.rb file inside the unpacked folder. Its in the lib folder.
Copy the full path of this folder - c:\RubyGems\extras\nokogiri-\lib. We need this for eclipse.

5 - Eclipse > create new ruby project > right click project > build path > configure build path > libraries tab > add external source folder > enter the path from step 4 > Ok > ok. You can now use the gem in your project.

6 - Testing if the steps work. Use the code in your project !

require 'nokogiri'

puts "Chenqui ! It is work!!!"

If the message prints without error, then you are a success ! To see the error you get when the required modules can't be found, add something like this require 'restclient'.

What IDEs are available for jRuby?

There are several options; I prefer JetBrains' IntelliJ (RubyMine).

Aptana has an Eclipse plugin. NetBeans used to have official support, not sure what the current state is.

What IDE to use for developing in Ruby on Rails on Windows?

Try both NetBeans and RadRails for maybe a week each, then you can find which works best for you. The best advice is to learn your tool. If you are not checking out something new about your editor, something that could potentially save you time (regexp, etc) then you are doing yourself a huge disservice.

I have been using Eclipse/Aptana/RadRails and unlike Gaius have been pretty happy with it.
I recommend the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from Eclipse Downloads:

Then grab Aptana Studio, following these instructions.

When Eclipse restarts Aptana will have a view, click on rad rails and you are good to go. Just make sure you have ruby installed already, or it becomes a pain to resolve.

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