How to Find If a String Starts with Another String in Ruby

How to check whether a string contains a substring in Ruby

You can use the include? method:

my_string = "abcdefg"
if my_string.include? "cde"
puts "String includes 'cde'"

Does Ruby have a string.startswith(abc) built in method?

It's called String#start_with?, not String#startswith: In Ruby, the names of boolean-ish methods end with ? and the words in method names are separated with an _. On Rails you can use the alias String#starts_with? (note the plural - and note that this method is deprecated). Personally, I'd prefer String#starts_with? over the actual String#start_with?

Check if string starts with X letter in Ruby

You can use String#start_with? method

'String'.start_with? 'S'
=> true

Also you can list possible variants of beginning

'String'.start_with? 'E', 'S'
=> true

How to check if a string begins with prefix and contains specific keyword in Ruby

The code looks good. The only feedback I have is regarding the use of 'include?' function for the prefix. Try to use 'start_with?' function instead, so that you don't get True even when the the "Dr" is within the string.

def match st
if st.start_with?('Dr.') and st.include?('Alex')
return true
return false

How to tell what Ruby string starts with?

If you mean checking if first element in string is letter, you could do:


or, as Arup Rakshit suggested, you can use i option in your regexp to ignore case:


These lines will return either MatchData if tested string starts with letter or nil if it doesn't. If you want true and false values, you can do:


Testing whether string starts with or end with another string

There are built in methods:

"String".start_with? "S" # true
"String".end_with? "4" # false

Check whether a string contains all the characters of another string in Ruby

Sets and array intersection don't account for repeated chars, but a histogram / frequency counter does:

require 'facets'

s1 = "aasmflathesorcerersnstonedksaottersapldrrysaahf"
s2 = "harrypotterandtheasorcerersstone"
freq1 = s1.chars.frequency
freq2 = s2.chars.frequency
freq2.all? { |char2, count2| freq1[char2] >= count2 }
#=> true

Write your own Array#frequency if you don't want to the facets dependency.

class Array
def frequency { |counts| each { |v| counts[v] += 1 } }

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