Is There a Way Rails 3.0.X Can Default to Using Thin

Is there a way Rails 3.0.x can default to using Thin?

As of Rails 3.2rc2, thin is now run by default on invoking rails server when gem 'thin' is in your Gemfile! Thanks to this pull request:

Works great for me.

How to set Thin as default in Rails 3

I sent a pull request on the Github repository of rack and it was accepted:

In a near future, we will be able to use Thin just by adding gem 'thin' to our Gemfile and starting app with rails s.

Note that this may be a temporary measure, however.

I chose Thin because Mongrel was not maintained currently and no other server seemed to suit as an alternative to Mongrel.

How can I have a clean output with thin and ssl?

When launching Thin with the command:

rails server thin

The possible options are propagated from Rack to thin in Rack::Server#start: wrapped_app, options

But in Rack::Handler::Thin#run, we can see that the handler doesn't use those options:

 module Rack
module Handler
class Thin
def, options={})
app =
server =[:Host] || '',
options[:Port] || 8080,
yield server if block_given?

When using Thin in ssl mode via the command line:

thin start --ssl

Options are parsed in Thin::Runner#parser and then used in Controllers::Controller#start

I would suggest to monkey patch Rack::Handler::Thin#run with a content similar to Controllers::Controller#start.

The result would be something like this:

  module Rack
module Handler
class Thin
def, options={})
app =
server =[:Host] || '',
options[:Port] || 8080,
server.ssl = true
server.ssl_options = { :private_key_file => PATH_TO_KEY_FILE, :cert_chain_file => PATH_TO_CERT_FILE }
yield server if block_given?

Logging stacktraces when running a Rails app on Thin

what's the simplest and best way to set up email notifications on error in a Rails app?

The exception_notification gem.

Rails - How do I configure thin's port and environment?

Just specify it as such.

rails server -e production -p 4000


How to start thin on the default port?

This indicates the port might be already in use.

Also, try running it with administrator privileges

sudo thin start -p 80

(Thanks to Tom Crinson for his blog article.)

Override Prompt when starting new rail blog

The warnings you see while using rails server is normal. Notice they're just warnings so there shouldn't be anything stopping you from going any further.

If you use the thin server then the correct command should be thin start. If you're using rails 3.2rc2 then according to this, rails server will work if gem 'thin' is in your Gemfile.

Why would I want to use unicorn or thin instead of WEBrick for development purposes?

It is important to develop as closely as possible to the production environment. It helps ensure that an application will work as expected when deployed into production, instead of stumbling upon bugs at runtime.

This issue is alleviated with the use of Continuous Testing on a Build server that replicates the production environment. Even though you are not actively developing on an identical environment, the Continuous Testing gives you coverage that the application is functioning in the expected way.

As to speed, the performance hit running a Rails app in development mode will negate any benefit the various web servers brings.

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