Running a Ruby Program as a Windows Service

Running a Ruby Program as a Windows Service?

Check out the following library: Win32Utils. You can create a simple service that you can start/stop/restart at your leisure. I'm currently using it to manage a Mongrel instance for a Windows hosted Rails app and it works flawlessly.

Run a ruby exe file as windows service leads to error

You should have a look at this question.

Check out Win32Utils - Ruby library for MS Windows.

From the doc,

Note that some libraries, such as win32-api and win32-service, have
gems that contain prebuilt binaries so no compiler is necessary for
those libraries. Just install them as you would any other gem.

There are some nice wrappers for these Utils. win32-service is one such gem will help you to acheive that.

Go through these Create a Windows Service with Ruby Part 1 , Part 2 articles by Steve Johnson.

Run WEBrick as a Windows service

I have never seen WEBrick used in Windows services but a workaround could be running the web server as a background job. This is how you would do it:

You'll need a bat file with the 2 instructions to start the web server:

  • cd to_your_absolute_app_path
  • rails s

Then you'll need to convert that bat file to an exe file. Check this for a free tool. I know the tool exists for 32 and 64 bits, you might need to look around for the right one.

When you create the exe make sure to select it to run as an invisible app.

Then you put the exe in the start up folder. That should do it.

Ruby script as service

I've actually found a much better way of doing that by using ruby scripts.

This is how I did it:

First of all, I installed daemon

gem install daemons

Then I did:

require 'rubygems'
require 'daemons'

pwd = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
file = pwd + '/runner.rb'

'my_project', # name of daemon
:log_output => true
) do
exec "ruby #{file}"

I then create a file called runner.rb, in which I can call my scripts such as:

require "/var/www/rails/my_project/config/environment"

Daemons is a great gem!

how to install windows service using Chef Script

Try removing the service if it already exists with a powershell_script block and notifies the execute block to install/reinstall the service. This way the installation will only fire after the service is removed.

powershell_script 'delete_if_exist' do
code <<-EOH
$Service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='TestService'"
if ($Service) {
notifies :run, 'execute[Installing Service TestService]', :immediately

execute 'Installing Service TestService' do
command "sc create \"TestService\" binPath= D:/Deploy/TestService.exe "
action :nothing

Can I use guards to chef if a windows service is running?

The way you wrote your not_if statement runs the command as a shell script.
The shell doesn't know Ruby code, so the whole command will fail.
Need to first:

require win32/service

In order to use not_if with Ruby code you should put it inside a block instead:

not_if { ::Win32::Service.exists?("Service name") }

See some more examples here (search for not_if on the page):

programmatically stop a windows service using ruby

The %x command, and Windows command line utilities like "AT" and "NET STOP".


@result = %x[AT \\computername 00:00 "NET STOP service"]

00:00 being the current time plus a reasonable buffer to account for the clocks being out of sync. Also, the AT command requires elevation on Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7.

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