Error Installing Debugger: Failed to Build Gem Native Extension with Ruby-1.9.3-P362

Error installing debugger: Failed to build gem native extension with ruby-1.9.3-p362

I ran into same issue. I tried:

bundle update debugger

My Gemfile had this:

gem 'debugger'

And it worked, I did not have to change Gemfile. Output of bundle shows something like this


Installing debugger-ruby_core_source (1.1.6)

Installing debugger-linecache (1.1.2) with native extensions

Installing debugger (1.1.4) with native extensions


Error occurred while installing debugger (1.6.8), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install debugger -v '1.6.8'`

Please replace

gem 'pry-debugger'


gem 'pry-byebug'


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