Homebrew Install: Failed During: Git Fetch Origin Master:Refs/Remotes/Origin/Master -N --Depth=1

Homebrew install: Failed during: git fetch origin master:refs/remotes/origin/master -n --depth=1

After a few hours of research and brute force I learned the issue was due to git not being configured properly. Some articles suggested downgrading your git or reinstalling all together. However, I resolved the issue just by adding the following

git config --global user.email yourgitemail@example.com

Then remove the cellar and homebrew directories from /usr/local and re-try the installation.

First time homebrew installation failure

delete this file



rm -f /usr/local/Homebrew/.git/refs/remotes/origin/master.lock

and then try again

Unable to fix homebrew install on mac

As stupid as it sounds, the problem was I had Child Block enabled on my virgin wifi.

Error installing Homebrew unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

This is more of github checkout issue rather than Homebrew issue, checkout this suggestion:

It might be your network issue. If the network is too slow, then it might disconnect connection unexpectedly.

If you are having a good internet and still getting this message then it might be an issue with post buffer. You can resolve it by executing the following command in your cmd.

git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400

Cannot install Homebrew in Mac Sierra


Open the link in browser and save the file as install.rb.
Then run

ruby install.rb

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