Sprockets::Circulardependencyerror in Store#Index

Sprockets::CircularDependencyError in Store#index

You should remove app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.

Asset pipeline not precompiling sass

Remember that css.scss files need to be included, not imported like the rest:

So: Turn you application.css into an application.css.scss, and do like this in it:

*= require ./normal/custom.css
*= require_self

@import "normal/design/control_panel";

RailsTutorial: Error after adding @import “bootstrap”

Just an update to my own question in case anyone faced the same issue as I did.

I tried removing:


and the application loaded fine. However, the app still did not load the bootstrap, and it looked nothing like Hartl's. I also felt like this did not properly resolve the issue.

I then found this solution which worked for me: Bootstrap is not working with Rails 4

To quote:

There is a known issue in sass-rails that is causing this. https://github.com/rails/sass-rails/issues/191

Try locking sass-rails to version 4.0.3, delete Gemfile.lock and run bundle install again.

  • Answer provided by user yetti

This worked for me, and I'm back on track. Thanks for all the solutions posted!

Joosy tutorial ActionView::Template::Error

Looks like sass gem got some update. https://github.com/anjlab/bootstrap-rails/issues/24

How is factorial computed?

It depends on the language and the language implementation.

In many functional languages (e.g. Haskell), a function is guaranteed to change nothing; only to return a value. This lack of side effects allows the language to remember/cache, or "memoize", the results of function calls.

In a less sophisticated language, 7 distinct function call frames might be placed on the stack and popped off.

A properly written factorial function in many functional languages would also be tail recursive; in that case the language might choose to simply jump from the bottom of the function to the top to avoid creating another function call. In this case the language is turning the recursive function into a loop "for free".

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