Convert an Array to Hash, Where Keys Are the Indices

Convert an array to hash, where keys are the indices

arr = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]

x = Hash[(0...arr.size).zip arr]
# => {0=>"one", 1=>"two", 2=>"three", 3=>"four", 4=>"five"}

Convert Array to Hash while preserving Array index values in Ruby

Using Enumerable#each_with_index:

Hash[ { |value, index| [index, value] }]
# => {0=>"Adult", 1=>"Family", 2=>"Single", 3=>"Child"}

As @hirolau commented, can also be written as map.with_index.

Hash[ { |value, index| [index, value] }]
# => {0=>"Adult", 1=>"Family", 2=>"Single", 3=>"Child"}


Alterantive that use Hash#invert:

# => {0=>"Adult", 1=>"Family", 2=>"Single", 3=>"Child"}
# => {0=>"Adult", 1=>"Family", 2=>"Single", 3=>"Child"}

Create a hash out of an array where the values are the indices of the elements

I'm adding my two cents:

array = [1,3,4,5,6,6,6,8,8,8,9,7,7,7]

hash = {} {|val, idx| [val, idx]}.group_by(&:first).map do |k, v|
hash[k] = v[0][1] if v.size == 1
hash[k] = if v.size > 1

p hash #=> {1=>0, 3=>1, 4=>2, 5=>3, 6=>[4, 5, 6], 8=>[7, 8, 9], 9=>10, 7=>[11, 12, 13]}

It fails with duplicated element not adjacent, of course.

This is the expanded version, step by step, to show how it works.

The basic idea is to build a temporary array with pairs of value and index, then work on it.

array = [1,3,4,5,6,6,6]

tmp_array = []
array.each_with_index do |val, idx|
tmp_array << [val, idx]
p tmp_array #=> [[1, 0], [3, 1], [4, 2], [5, 3], [6, 4], [6, 5], [6, 6]]

tmp_hash = tmp_array.group_by { |e| e[0] }
p tmp_hash #=> {1=>[[1, 0]], 3=>[[3, 1]], 4=>[[4, 2]], 5=>[[5, 3]], 6=>[[6, 4], [6, 5], [6, 6]]}

hash = {} do |k, v|
hash[k] = v[0][0] if v.size == 1
hash[k] = {|e| e[1]} if v.size > 1

p hash #=> {1=>1, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>[4, 5, 6]}

It can be written as one line as:

hash = {} { |k, v| v.size == 1 ? hash[k] = v[0][1] : hash[k] = }
p hash

Ruby convert an Array to Hash values with specific keys

You can use #zip

your_array = ["12", "21", "1985"]
keys = ['month', 'day', 'year']

Convert array of hashes to single hash with values as keys

This should do what you want

countries.each_with_object({}) { |country, h| h[country[:country].to_sym] = country[:cost] }
=> {:england=>12.34, :scotland=>56.78}

Convert an array into an index hash in Ruby

If all you need the hash for is membership, consider using a Set:


Set implements a collection of unordered values with no
duplicates. This is a hybrid of Array's intuitive inter-operation
facilities and Hash's fast lookup.

Set is easy to use with Enumerable objects (implementing
each). Most of the initializer methods and binary operators accept
generic Enumerable objects besides sets and arrays. An
Enumerable object can be converted to Set using the
to_set method.

Set uses Hash as storage, so you must note the following points:

  • Equality of elements is determined according to Object#eql? and Object#hash.
  • Set assumes that the identity of each element does not change while it is stored. Modifying an element of a set will render the set to an
    unreliable state.
  • When a string is to be stored, a frozen copy of the string is stored instead unless the original string is already frozen.


The comparison operators <, >, <= and >= are implemented as
shorthand for the {proper_,}{subset?,superset?} methods. However, the
<=> operator is intentionally left out because not every pair of
sets is comparable. ({x,y} vs. {x,z} for example)


require 'set'
s1 = [1, 2] # -> #<Set: {1, 2}>
s2 = [1, 2].to_set # -> #<Set: {1, 2}>
s1 == s2 # -> true
s1.add("foo") # -> #<Set: {1, 2, "foo"}>
s1.merge([2, 6]) # -> #<Set: {1, 2, "foo", 6}>
s1.subset? s2 # -> false
s2.subset? s1 # -> true


Public Class Methods

new(enum = nil)

Creates a new set containing the elements of the given enumerable

If a block is given, the elements of enum are preprocessed by the
given block.

Converting array to hash (Ruby)

I'm a beginner too, so this may be a little inefficient, but this is how I would explain it (there are simpler methods I'm sure, but since you mentioned this is for a class, I thought I'd explain in long form):


some_array.each do |item|
hash[item[0]] = item[1]

Just to explain that a bit, I start by creating an empty hash that I will use later.

Then I cycle through some_array using the each method. This assigns each element in some_array to the variable item. Given that some_array is a nested array (which basically means that it is an array of arrays), the item variable will take the value of the inner arrays - for example, item = [:a, 123].

Then we can access each element within item when creating the hash. Following the same example I gave earlier item[0] == :a and item[1] == 123.

Then I use some shorthand when creating hashes - i.e. hash[key] = value. In this case, I want the key to be :a (which is item[0]) and the value to be 123 (which is item[1]). So I can use hash[item[0]] = item[1].

Hope that helped!

What is the best way to convert an array to a hash in Ruby

NOTE: For a concise and efficient solution, please see Marc-André Lafortune's answer below.

This answer was originally offered as an alternative to approaches using flatten, which were the most highly upvoted at the time of writing. I should have clarified that I didn't intend to present this example as a best practice or an efficient approach. Original answer follows.

Warning! Solutions using flatten will not preserve Array keys or values!

Building on @John Topley's popular answer, let's try:

a3 = [ ['apple', 1], ['banana', 2], [['orange','seedless'], 3] ]
h3 = Hash[*a3.flatten]

This throws an error:

ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash
from (irb):10:in `[]'
from (irb):10

The constructor was expecting an Array of even length (e.g. ['k1','v1,'k2','v2']). What's worse is that a different Array which flattened to an even length would just silently give us a Hash with incorrect values.

If you want to use Array keys or values, you can use map:

h3 = Hash[ {|key, value| [key, value]}]
puts "h3: #{h3.inspect}"

This preserves the Array key:

h3: {["orange", "seedless"]=>3, "apple"=>1, "banana"=>2}

Convert an array of numbers into key followed by indices which match the key

You can use Array#reduce with an object as the accumulator.

The callback is given the previous accumulator, the current array element, and its index. We can initialize the property for the current element's value to an empty array if not already set with the logical nullish assignment operator before adding the current index to that array.

let arr = [ 12,14,12,10,11,10 ];
let res = arr.reduce((acc, curr, i)=>
((acc[curr] ??= []).push(i), acc), {});

Convert Ruby array of elements to Hash of counts with indices

There are two problems with your code. The first is that when h is empty and you write, say, h[2] << 1, since h does not have a key 2, h[2] returns the default, so this expression becomes [] << 1 #=> [1], but [1] is not attached to the hash, so no key and value are added.

You need to write h[2] = h[2] << 11. If you do that, your code returns h #=> {3=>[0, 1, 2, 3], 2=>[0, 1, 2, 3], 4=>[0, 1, 2, 3]}. Unfortunately, that's still incorrect, which takes us to the second problem with your code: you did not define the newly-created hash's default value correctly.

First note that

#=> 70113420279440
#=> 70113420279440
#=> 70113420279440

Aha, all three values are the same object! new's argument [] is returned by h[k] when h does not have a key k. The problem is that is the same array is returned for all keys k added to the hash, so you would be adding a key-value pair to an empty array for the first new key, then adding a second key-value pair to that same array for the next new key, and so on. See below for how the hash needs to be defined.

With these two changes your code works fine, but I would suggest writing it as follows.

arr = [ [1, 1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1] ]

arr.each_with_index.with_object( {|h,k| h[k]=[]}) { |(a,i),h|
h[a.size] << i }
#=> {3=>[0], 2=>[1, 3], 4=>[2]}

which use the form of Hash::new that uses a block to calculate the hash's default value (i.e., the value returned by h[k] when a hash h does not have a key k),


arr.each_with_index.with_object({}) { |(a,i),h| (h[a.size] ||= []) << i }
#=> {3=>[0], 2=>[1, 3], 4=>[2]}

both of which are effectively the following:

h = {}
arr.each_with_index do |a,i|
sz = a.size
h[sz] = [] unless h.key?(sz)
h[a.size] << i
h #=> {3=>[0], 2=>[1, 3], 4=>[2]}

Another way is to use Enumerable#group_by, grouping on array size, after picking up the index for each inner array.

h = arr.each_with_index.group_by { |a,i| a.size }
#=> {3=>[[[1, 1, 1], 0]],
# 2=>[[[1, 1], 1], [[1, 1], 3]],
# 4=>[[[1, 1, 1, 1], 2]]}
h.each_key { |k| h[k] = h[k].map(&:last) }
#=> {3=>[0], 2=>[1, 3], 4=>[2]}

1 The expression h[2] = h[2] << 1 uses the methods Hash#[]= and Hash#[], which is why h[2] on the left of = does not return the default value. This expression can alternatively be written h[2] ||= [] << 1.

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