Best Rails Tagging Plugin/Gem

Best Rails Tagging Plugin/Gem

Here's a good list of tagging plugins ordered by ranking.

Recommendations for good 'paging' and 'tagging' plugins/gems in Rails 3?

Checkout Ruby Toolbox

It shows you what gems are available and which are popular choices. In your case: will_paginate and acts-as-taggable-on

Good approach to a tagging system in Rails 3?

I would use a join table between the tags and the taggableItems. Then with a before_create you could check if the tag's are already in the system and create them if they aren't in the system. Next you could use searchlogic (i think there is a rails 3 branch on github) for easy tag/taggableItems searching. And it would be nice to give the user some feedback of the available tags with some autocompletion or a short list of most used tags but that is up to you/the design.

Getting rails tagging plugins to work makes me Hulk-angry

I have used mbleigh's acts-as-taggable-on, and the basic procedure goes:

  1. Add config.gem "acts-as-taggable-on" to environment.rb
  2. Run rake gems:install
  3. Run script/generate acts_as_taggable_on_migration

    • Do any customizations on the migration you might want (you probably won't need to).
  4. Run the migration, rake db:migrate
  5. Add acts_as_taggable_on :your_desired_tag_names to your tagged model (pluralized).

    • I.e. Photo model has :colors tag.
    • If you are getting a NoMethodError, you may have skipped this step.
  6. To set the models tags, use photo.color_list = 'abc, 123, def, 456'
  7. Save the model:
  8. List the tags: photo.colors

    • You might have to reload the model from the database for the photo.colors method to be available.

Check out the acts-as-taggable-on readme for more instructions/examples.

How to add tagging with autocomplete to an existing model in Rails?

acts_as_taggable_on and rails3-jquery-autocomplete work nicely together to make a SO like tagging system see example below. I don't think a suitable all in one option exists yet for rails.

Follow these steps to get this all installed:

1 . Backup your rails app!

2 . Install jquery-rails

Note: You can install jQuery UI with jquery-rails but I chose not to.

3 . Download and install jQuery UI

Choose a theme that will compliment your web design (be sure to test the autocomplete demo with the theme you choose, the default theme did not work for me). Download the custom zip and place the [zipfile]/js/jquery-ui-#.#.#.custom.min.js file into your app's /public/javascripts/ folder. place the [zipfile]/css/custom-theme/ folder and all files into your app's public/stylesheets/custom-theme/ folder.

4 . Add the following to your Gemfile and then run "bundle install"

gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'

gem 'rails3-jquery-autocomplete'

5 . From the console run the following commands:

rails generate acts_as_taggable_on:migration

rake db:migrate

rails generate autocomplete:install

Make these changes in your app

Include the necessary javascript and css files in your application layout:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom" %>  
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, "jquery-ui-#.#.#.custom.min", "autocomplete-rails" %>

Controller Example

EDIT: Made changes based on Seth Pellegrino's comments.

class ArticlesController < Admin::BaseController  
#autocomplete :tag, :name <- Old
autocomplete :tag, :name, :class_name => 'ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag' # <- New

Model Example

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_taggable_on :tags


resources :articles do
get :autocomplete_tag_name, :on => :collection

View Example

<%= form_for(@article) do |f| %>
<%= f.autocomplete_field :tag_list, autocomplete_tag_name_articles_path, :"data-delimiter" => ', ' %>
# note tag_list above is a virtual column created by acts_as_taggable_on
<% end %>

Note: This example assumes that you are only tagging one model in your entire app and you are only using the default tag type :tags. Basically the code above will search all tags and not limit them to "Article" tags.

What rails plugins are good, stable and *really* enhance your code?

You can use bort as reference

Plugins Installed

Bort comes with a few commonly used
plugins installed and already setup.

RESTful Authentication

RESTful Authentication is already
setup. The routes are setup, along
with the mailers and observers.
Forgotten password comes setup, so you
don’t have to mess around setting it
up with every project.

The AASM plugin comes pre-installed.
RESTful Authentication is also setup
to use user activation.

User Roles

Bort now comes with Role Requirement
by Tim Harper. A default admin role is
predefined along with a default admin
user. See the migrations for the admin
login details.

Open ID Authentication

Bort, as of 0.3, has Open ID
integrated with RESTful
Authentication. Rejoice!

Will Paginate

We use will_paginate in pretty much
every project we use, so Bort comes
with it pre-installed.

Rspec & Rspec-rails

You should be testing your code, so
Bort comes with Rspec and Rspec-rails
already installed so you’re ready to

Exception Notifier

You don’t want your applications to
crash and burn so Exception Notifier
is already installed to let you know
when everything goes to shit.

Asset Packager

Packages up your css/javascript so
you’re not sending 143 files down to
the user at the same time. Reduces
load times and saves you bandwidth.

p/s: agree with @eric, specifics

How can I use a gem/plugin to make my Rails views SEO-friendly (beyond slugs)?

There's a gem called meta-tags, which you may want to check out.

It simplifies the creation of the description and keyword metadata elements. The description and keyword metadata are two of the primary non-visible elements that will help with SEO.

github: kpumuk/meta-tags

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