Ruby Invalid Byte Sequence in Utf-8

Invalid Byte Sequence In UTF-8 Ruby

As Arie already answered this error is because invalid byte sequence \xC3

If you are using Ruby 2.1 +, you can also use String#scrub to replace invalid bytes with given replacement character. Here:

a = "abce\xC3"
# => "abce\xC3"
# => "abce�"
# => "Abce�"

ArgumentError invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

You get these errors because the Zip gem assumes the filenames to be encoded in UTF-8 but they are actually in a different encoding.

To fix the error, you first have to find the correct encoding. Let's re-create the string from its bytes:

bytes = [111, 117, 116, 112, 117, 116, 50, 48, 50, 48, 49,
50, 48, 55, 95, 49, 52, 49, 54, 48, 50, 47, 87,
78, 83, 95, 85, 80, 151, 112, 131, 102, 129, 91,
131, 94, 46, 116, 120, 116]

string = bytes.pack('c*')
#=> "output20201207_141602/WNS_UP\x97p\x83f\x81[\x83^.txt"

We can now traverse the Encoding.list and select those that return the expected result: do |enc|
s = string.encode('UTF-8', enc) rescue next
#=> [
# #<Encoding:Windows-31J>,
# #<Encoding:Shift_JIS>,
# #<Encoding:SJIS-DoCoMo>,
# #<Encoding:SJIS-KDDI>,
# #<Encoding:SJIS-SoftBank>
# ]

All of the above encodings result in the correct output.

Back to your code, you could use:

path ='UTF-8', 'Windows-31J')
#=> "output20201207_141602/WNS_UP用データ.txt"

ext = File.extname(path)
#=> ".txt"

file_name = File.basename(path)
#=> "WNS_UP用データ.txt"

The Zip gem also has an option to set an explicit encoding for non-ASCII file names. You might want to give it a try by setting Zip.force_entry_names_encoding = 'Windows-31J' (haven't tried it)

Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)

Probably your string is not in UTF-8 format, so use

if ! file_content.valid_encoding?
s = file_content.encode("UTF-16be", :invalid=>:replace, :replace=>"?").encode('UTF-8')

See "Ruby 2.0.0 String#Match ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8".

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