Should One Use Dashes or Underscores When Naming a Gem with More Than One Word

Should one use dashes or underscores when naming a gem with more than one word?

Eric Hodel has a blog post on this: A Project Naming Recommendation

Rails solidified the convention of
mapping CamelCase class names to
underscored file names (class
IMAPProcesor is defined in
imap_processor.rb). Using underscored
gem names makes it easy for people to
figure out what file to require (same
as the project name) or what class
name to look for in ri.

If I have a plugin gem or an extension
I’ll tack on the sub-project’s name
with a dash. If I wanted to add a new
handler for imap_to_rss for Chase bank
email, the gem would be named

Ruby gem naming conventions

The dashed version is for extensions on other frameworks, like rspec-rails and the underscore is for part of the normal gem name and should be camelcased in your classes.

So if you have a gem named foo_bar, the class/module should be named FooBar. If that gem should have a rails extension which ships as a different gem, it should be called foo_bar-rails and the module should be called FooBar::Rails and it should be required as require "foo_bar/rails"

This convention is also what Bundler tries to require.

Admittedly, this convention is not always followed. jquery_rails should actually be jquery-rails and factory_girl_rails should be called factory_girl-rails. But hey, not everything is perfect.

RubyGems convention docs:

  • Naming gems
  • Naming patterns
  • Make your own gem

Any notes or rules for naming ruby gems with '-' or '_'?

There are clearly examples of gems that don't follow any convention. The convention I have come to like the best is using - to denote a namespace (::) boundary and _ as a word separator within a class name.


| Main Class        | Gem Name          | require           |
| Redis | redis | redis |
| Redis::Namespace | redis-namespace | redis/namespace |
| Redis::NativeHash | redis-native_hash | redis/native_hash |

Standard File Naming Conventions in Ruby

With just Ruby (i.e. not Rails), naming is only a convention. In Rails the convention of using underscores is necessary (almost).

I think convention #2 lowercase_and_underscore.rb is more common and looks pretty good, though an article Here says lowercasenounderscore.rb is the Ruby convention.

Pick either which ever convention is more common or which ever one you like more. The most important thing is to be consistent within a project.

Should I give up grammatical correctness when naming my functions to offer regularity?

The way I see it, a variable is a single entity. Maybe that entity is an aggregate of other entities, such as an array or a collection, in which case it would make sense to give it a plural name e.g. a set of Shape objects could be called shapes. Even so, it is still a single object. Looking at it that way, it is grammatically acceptable to refer to it as singular. After all, is_shapes_initialized actually means "Is the variable 'shapes' initialized?"

It's the same reason we say "The Bahamas is" or "The Netherlands is", because we are referring to the singular country, not whatever plural entity it is comprised of. So yes, is_shapes_initialized can be considered grammatically correct.

URLs: Dash vs. Underscore

This is just a guess, but it seems they picked the one that people most probably wouldn't use in a name. This way you can have a name that includes a hyphenated word, and still use the underbar as a word delimiter, e.g. UseTwo-wayLinks could be converted to use_two-way_links.

In your example, /about-us would be a directory named the hyphenated word "about-us" (if such a word existed, and /about_us would be a directory named the two-word phrase "about us" converted to a single string of non-white characters.

When should one refer to objects by function/relation (instead of by class) in MVC?

My convention is to use always the function/relation name. I don't understand why do you say it's easier to remember and refactor with the class name. I personally find that everything is easier when you use the function/relation name. It's also more "flexible" because if tomorrow you decide to allow groups to be inside other groups, then member still has sense, yet users isn't quite that right... Users or the class name is the "current" implementation/solution of what you are using... The functional or relation name is how that object will be used... It's more related to the "interface" or what you expect it to have... So you are focusing on what thing it should do, and what it should solve, and not in how it does it ATM.

It's also generally easy to deduce the type or possible types of something by looking at the context, and or/running tests, so I think that the functional relational name adds a lot of useful information, while the other adds useless information, that might be more adversary than good.

Hyphenated subcommand in Thor

There's no map required, just

class Test < Thor
desc 'howto-dash', "dash in command name"
def howto_dash
puts "dashing through the snow"


> thor list
thor test:howto-dash # dash in command name

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