Naming Boolean Columns in Rails

Naming Boolean columns in Rails

You should call it trained. Define it in your schema with a type of :boolean. You can refer to it as trained? and everything will magically work.

So says

Naming conventions for boolean attributes

I think of it like this:

  • A boolean attribute should answer a simple yes/no question.
  • Asking "is?" is a simple way to ask a yes/no question.
  • So a boolean attribute name should complete the sentence is <attribute_name>
  • Then just remove the is because Ruby prefers the ? suffix for "is"-style method names (see below for more), leaving you with just email_hidden

So, for your specific case, name your attribute like this:

  • Start with the question "email is hidden"?. Which can be represented in code as: email_is_hidden.
  • Remove the is and you're left with email_hidden
  • Ruby on Rails defines a "predicate" version (one that ends in a ?) of your boolean attribute and returns true/false as expected. So, while your attribute is named email_hidden in the database you should reference it as email_hidden? in your code for clarity and as is the Ruby on Rails convention.

rails boolean fields: `is_foo` or just `foo`?

The plain-adjective form is easily the norm in Ruby and Rails — even?, nil?, empty? and blank? for example. The only method of the form is_#{something}? that I can think of is Kernel#is_a? to determine class identity. So to stick with standard naming conventions, I would leave off the is_ on boolean methods like this.

Can't come up with a Rails-ish boolean column name

A good name is one of the hardest things to do in coding and I too spend silly time mulling over good naming.

One of my judging criterion is see how the name is being used.

In database point of view i.e. reading from the model source code, only_owner_can_create is a good explanatory name.

In controller point of view, you may want to write if group.allows_members_to_create? or unless group.only_owner_can_create

Having the context where this field will be used will help you greatly to determine the name.

Also you CAN have the best of both worlds - just use alias_methods to add more methods!

Rails: get all boolean columns from model and map their name and value

It will get all the column names filtered by the desired type,{ |c| c.type == :boolean }.map(&:name)

ruby / rails boolean method naming conventions

I think that depends on the action you want to perform and the action you are checking for. I would aim for readability and least amount of confusion:
self.can_run? # can this object run?
self.running_allowed? # is running allowed here or by this user?

self.redeemable? # is this object currently redeemable?

self.copyable? or self.can_be_copied? #can this object be copied
self.copy_allowed?(:clipboard) # is copying to the clipboard allowed by me?

How to define boolean field for a rails migration

Yes, you can use :boolean for this, and yes it will also save database space.

Rails: list column name if true

Here's the general idea of looping through an objects attributes with the attribute name and value. Are you having to filter out only boolean fields? Or are all the fields boolean?

@preference.attributes.each do |attr_name, attr_value|
"#{attr_name} is #{attr_value}" if attr_value == true

Ruby: Boolean attribute naming convention and use

Edit: three-years later; the times, they are a-changin'…

Julik's answer is the simplest and best way to tackle the problem these days:

class Foo
attr_accessor :dead
alias_method :dead?, :dead # will pick up the reader method

My answer to the original question follows, for posterity…

The short version:

You can't use a question mark in the name of an instance variable.

The longer version:

Take, for example, attr_accessor :foo — it's simply conceptually a bit of syntactic sugar for the following:

def foo

def foo=(newfoo)
@foo = newfoo

Furthermore, the question-mark suffix is mostly just a convention to indicate that the return value of a method is a boolean.

The best approximation I can make of what you're going for here…

class MyClass

def initialize
@awesome = true

def awesome?


In this case, there may be a case to be made for using attr_accessor — after all, it may be explicit that you're working directly with a boolean attribute. Generally, I save the question-mark suffix for when I am implementing a method whose boolean return value is based on slightly more complex conditions than just the value of an attribute.


Edit, two years later, after a recent comment:

  1. Ruby enforces certain naming conventions. Symbols in Ruby can't have question marks. Thus invocations of :my_boolean_attribute? both will fail with a NameError. Edit: not correct, just use the quoted syntax for a symbol, e.g., :"my_attribute?"
  2. Symbols are immutable, attempting to assign to one will throw a SyntaxError.

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