Migrating from Rails 2 to Rails 3

Migrating from Rails 2 to Rails 3

Aside from a number of RailsCasts, on the paid front, BDDCasts has one entitled Upgrading to Rails 3 for only $5. I can't vouch for the quality of the latter (they have some free episodes too), but Ryan's stuff at RailsCasts is top notch.

Gregg Pollack's videos on the official site give a great overview as well.

Peepcode also has a Rails 3 Upgrade Handbook for purchase.

Would there be compatibility issues upgrading rails 2 to rails 3?

You may try this plugin to check your application compatibility in Rails 3. https://github.com/rails/rails_upgrade

environment.rb contents when migrating from Rails 2 to Rails 3

I figure out the answer, all the configurations must go to the application.rb

Any recommendation for a former Rails 2.3 users to migrate to Rails 5.x?

Be aware that this is a multi-step process and can take a long time. Make sure to test for bugs after accomplishing each step since they'll definitely appear.

  • The first step is migrating from Rails 2.3 to Rails 3.0.
  • Second you want to upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3.
  • Pushing from Rails 3.0 to Rails 5.x is covered by RailsGuides which has excellent documentation. You'll notice there are a number of interim steps:

    1. Rails 3.0 -> Rails 3.1
    2. Rails 3.1 -> Rails 3.2
    3. Rails 3.2 -> Rails 4.0
    4. Rails 4.0 -> Rails 4.1
    5. Rails 4.1 -> Rails 4.2
    6. Rails 4.2 -> Rails 5.0
    7. Rails 5.0 -> Rails 5.1

I would strongly suggest adding unit tests to core features if you don't have them. It helps finding issues significantly easier as you progress.

Can I update to Ruby 2.1.2 using Rails 3.2.3?

The first release of rails that officially support ruby 2.0 was 3.2.13 (see the announcement on the rails blog.

I deployed several applications running 3.2.15-3.2.17 and ruby 2.0 (They've since been upgraded to rails 4) without any problems that I recall.

The recently released 3.2.22 supports ruby 2.2 (announcement)

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