Force Strings to Utf-8 from Any Encoding

Force strings to UTF-8 from any encoding

Ruby 1.9

"Forcing" an encoding is easy, however it won't convert the characters just change the encoding:

str = str.force_encoding('UTF-8') # => 'UTF-8'

If you want to perform a conversion, use encode:

rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError
# ...

I would definitely read the following post for more information:

How can I force to encode every string to UTF8 despite its original type?

There is no way to (reliably) detect the encoding. Encoding is not stored in the string object, as it is always UTF-16, or in fact, in a byte representation if you working with something else.

You will need to store the charset manually and use it to make conversion into another encoding.

In this question, there are couple of examples how you can try detecting some of the encodings.

Here is a relevant quote from The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

It does not make sense to have a string without knowing what encoding it uses.

PHP: Convert any string to UTF-8 without knowing the original character set, or at least try

What you're asking for is extremely hard. If possible, getting the user to specify the encoding is the best. Preventing an attack shouldn't be much easier or harder that way.

However, you could try doing this:

iconv(mb_detect_encoding($text, mb_detect_order(), true), "UTF-8", $text);

Setting it to strict might help you get a better result.

String encoding (UTF-8) JAVA

According to the javadoc of String#getBytes(String charsetName):

Encodes this String into a sequence of bytes using the named charset,
storing the result into a new byte array.

And the documentation of String(byte[] bytes, Charset charset)

Constructs a new String by decoding the specified array of bytes using
the specified charset.

Thus getBytes() is opposite operation of String(byte []). The getBytes() encodes the string to bytes, and String(byte []) will decode the byte array and convert it to string. You will have to use same charset for both methods to preserve the actual string value. I.e. your second example is wrong:

// This is wrong because you are calling getBytes() with default charset
// But converting those bytes to string using UTF-8 encoding. This will
// mostly work because default encoding is usually UTF-8, but it can fail
// so it is wrong.
new String(string1.getBytes(),"UTF-8"));

Force character vector encoding from unknown to UTF-8 in R

The Encoding function returns unknown if a character string has a "native encoding" mark (CP-1250 in your case) or if it's in ASCII.
To discriminate between these two cases, call:


To check whether each string is a valid UTF-8 byte sequence, call:


If it's not the case, your file is definitely not in UTF-8.

I suspect that you haven't forced the UTF-8 mode in the data read function (try inspecting the contents of poli.dt$word to verify this statement). If my guess is true, try:

read.csv2(file("filename", encoding="UTF-8"))


poli.dt$word <- stri_encode(poli.dt$word, "", "UTF-8") # re-mark encodings

If data.table still complains about the "mixed" encodings, you may want to transliterate the non-ASCII characters, e.g.:

stri_trans_general("Zażółć gęślą jaźń", "Latin-ASCII")
## [1] "Zazolc gesla jazn"

Convert any encoding to UTF 8 in Go

I'm using the go-charset project to do this:

It's pretty straightforward, you create a reader from a charset and it translates to utf-8 automatically. example from the library:

r, err := charset.NewReader(strings.NewReader("\xa35 for Pepp\xe9"), "latin1")
if err != nil {
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", result) //outputs £5 for Peppé

Now, in my case I know the charset because it comes from web pages and I read the headers/meta tags. If you need to detect the charset automatically by heuristics, you'll need another library for that, such as this one:

I haven't used it but it also looks pretty simple to use:

detector := chardet.NewTextDetector()
result, err := detector.DetectBest(some_text)
if err == nil {
"Detected charset is %s, language is %s",

Ruby converting string encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 not working

You assign a string, in UTF-8. It contains ä. UTF-8 represents ä with two bytes.

string = 'ä'
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
# 1
# [195, 164]

Then you force the bytes to be interpreted as if they were ISO-8859-1, without actually changing the underlying representation. This does not contain ä any more. It contains two characters, Ã and ¤.

# => "\xC3\xA4"
# 2
# [195, 164]

Then you translate that into UTF-8. Since this is not reinterpretation but translation, you keep the two characters, but now encoded in UTF-8:

string = string.encode('utf-8')
# => "ä"
# 2
# [195, 131, 194, 164]

What you are missing is the fact that you originally don't have an ISO-8859-1 string, as you would from your Web-service - you have gibberish. Fortunately, this is all in your console tests; if you read the response of the website using the proper input encoding, it should all work okay.

For your console test, let's demonstrate that if you start with a proper ISO-8859-1 string, it all works:

string = 'Norrlandsvägen'.encode('iso-8859-1')
# => "Norrlandsv\xE4gen"
string = string.encode('utf-8')
# => "Norrlandsvägen"

EDIT For your specific problem, this should work:

require 'net/https'
uri = URI.parse("")
options = {
:use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https',
:verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, options) do |https|
body = response.body.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode('UTF-8')

How to convert a string to utf-8 in Python

In Python 2

>>> plain_string = "Hi!"
>>> unicode_string = u"Hi!"
>>> type(plain_string), type(unicode_string)
(<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)

^ This is the difference between a byte string (plain_string) and a unicode string.

>>> s = "Hello!"
>>> u = unicode(s, "utf-8")

^ Converting to unicode and specifying the encoding.

In Python 3

All strings are unicode. The unicode function does not exist anymore. See answer from @Noumenon

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