Nested Object Creation with JSON in Rails

Nested object creation with JSON in Rails

Figured it out, the locations object should have been called locations_attributes to match up with the Rails nested object creation naming scheme. After doing that, it works perfectly with a default Rails controller.

"commute": {
"minutes": 0,
"startTime": "Wed May 06 22:14:12 EDT 2009",
"locations_attributes": [
"latitude": "40.4220061",
"longitude": "40.4220061"

Create Nested Object with Rails 4 (JSON call)

Alright, so... I was sending the JSON wrongly:

Instead of:

"trip": {
"evnt_acc_red": 3,
"distance": 400
"events_attributes": [
"distance": 300
"distance": 400

I should have been sending:

"trip": {
"evnt_acc_red": 3,
"distance": 400,
"events_attributes": [
"distance": 300
"distance": 400

How to render content from nested json object in ruby on rails view

Shouldn't something like





With ruby, you should be able to treat the keys like a symbol. and ruby won't use dot notation in a hash so you would need to use square brackets.

You don't need to loop on them and create them individually

You don't need to loop on them and create them individually. should do the work, you just need to specify the nested attributes properly.


  1. days to day_attributes
  2. Dont need to pass ids.

For example:

"name": "Test Plan",
"monthly_price": 0,
"image_url": null,
"day_attributes": [
"number": 1,
"meal_attributes": [
"name": "Kale Salad",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "snack-1"
"name": "Fit Burger",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "meal-1"
"name": "Vegan Rataouille",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "snack-2"
"name": "Chicken BBQ",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "meal-3"
"number": 2,
"name": "Woldrof Salad",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "snack-1"
"name": "Baked Beef",
"calories": null,
"protein": null,
"fat": null,
"carbohydrates": null,
"image_url": null,
"categorie": "meal-1"


Also you should mention them properly in permit params as well like:

params.permit(:name, :monthly_price, :image_url, day_attributes: [:number, meal_attributes: [:name, :calories, :protein, :fat, :carbohydrates, :image_url, :categorie]])

For more info you can refer to:

Active Record Nested Attributes

Railscasts #196

Rails 4 render json nested objects

I got it.

render :json => @booking, :include => [:paypal, 
:boat => {:only => :name, :include => {:port => {:only => :name, :include => {:city => {:only => :name, :include => {:country => {:only => :name}}}}},
:boat_model => {:only => :name, :include => {:boat_type => {:only => :name}}}}}]

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