Installing Ruby-2.1.2: Cannot Load Such File -- Openssl (Loaderror)

Error loading RubyGems plugin ,openssl.bundle (LoadError)

Things to verify...

  • How did you install rvm
  • hit rvm notes and check if it's installed properly
  • ruby -v, check for the version of ruby present

If you find any issues here, uninstall rvm using rvm implode and also remove ruby. Refer to the rvm installation guide for the use of this command.

\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby

OR you can try the other way without removing the present rvm installation.

rvm get stable
rvm reinstall 2.0.0

Hope this helps.

Ruby/RVM with @global gem - bundle run fails with `require': cannot load such file — bundler (LoadError)

1) Skip the sudo just run gem install bundler

2) run bundle install

Now it should work

Error installing gems: cannot load such file -- zlib

The following worked for me:

brew install homebrew/dupes/zlib
rvm reinstall 2.2.2 --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8

Hope this helps anyone else who runs into it.

RVM ruby installation fails

Run these commands in sequence in terminal, and close all and open new terminal

rvm get stable
rvm autolibs enable
rvm reinstall all --force

Is test-unit incompatible with ruby 2.2.0?

Up to 2.1, Ruby shipped with test/unit, but as of 2.2, it's been removed.

It's still available as a gem: From the README: "Test::Unit 1.2.3 is the original Test::Unit, taken straight from the ruby distribution. It is being distributed as a gem to allow tool builders to use it as a stand-alone package. (The test framework in ruby is going to radically change very soon)."

If you make sure the test-unit gem is install (either gem install test-unit or add gem 'test-unit' to your Gemfile) it should solve the problem.

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