In Ruby, How to Know in the Console What a Method Does

Any way, in the console, to get info on what a certain method does?

Pry (an IRB alternative) supports documentation browsing:

$ pry
[1] pry(main)> require 'csv'
#=> true

[2] pry(main)> csv ='')
#=> <#CSV io_type:StringIO encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">

[3] pry(main)> show-doc csv.first

From: enum.c (C Method):
Owner: Enumerable
Visibility: public
Signature: first(*arg1)
Number of lines: 8

Returns the first element, or the first n elements, of the enumerable.
If the enumerable is empty, the first form returns nil, and the
second form returns an empty array.

%w[foo bar baz].first #=> "foo"
%w[foo bar baz].first(2) #=> ["foo", "bar"]
%w[foo bar baz].first(10) #=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
[].first #=> nil

According to the docs, you don't have to generate the documentation beforehand:

The Pry documentation system does not rely on pre-generated rdoc or
ri, instead it grabs the comments directly above the method on demand.
This results in speedier documentation retrieval and allows the Pry
system to retrieve documentation for methods that would not be picked
up by rdoc.

How to find where a method is defined at runtime?

This is really late, but here's how you can find where a method is defined:

# How to find out where a method comes from.
# Learned this from Dave Thomas while teaching Advanced Ruby Studio
# Makes the case for separating method definitions into
# modules, especially when enhancing built-in classes.
module Perpetrator
def crime

class Fixnum
include Perpetrator

p 2.method(:crime) # The "2" here is an instance of Fixnum.
#<Method: Fixnum(Perpetrator)#crime>

If you're on Ruby 1.9+, you can use source_location

require 'csv'

# => #<Method: CSV#flock>'string').method(:flock).source_location
# => ["/path/to/ruby/1.9.2-p290/lib/ruby/1.9.1/forwardable.rb", 180]

Note that this won't work on everything, like native compiled code. The Method class has some neat functions, too, like Method#owner which returns the file where the method is defined.

EDIT: Also see the __file__ and __line__ and notes for REE in the other answer, they're handy too. -- wg

How to test a Rails Class function in the console?

Your function2 is an instance method. You need to call it on instance of Model class like:,input_2)

Happy Coding!

How to test a rails method through the rails console

I'm assuming you're including StateMatchesZipCodeConcern in your User model.

That means the method validate_against_multi_state_zip_codes will be a method on User instances.

You're trying to call this method on the return of the User's address method, which is what throws NoMethodError. In addition, you've made this method private so you won't be able to call it anyway.

Put the method above the private line in the module and call it like this: User.last.validate_against_multi_state_zip_codes?

Is there a way to view a method's source code from the Rails console?

You can also use pry ( which is like IRB on steroids. You can do stuff like:

[1] pry(main)> show-source Array#each

From: array.c in Ruby Core (C Method):
Number of lines: 11
Owner: Array
Visibility: public

rb_ary_each(VALUE ary)
long i;

for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
return ary;
[2] pry(main)> show-doc Array#each

From: array.c in Ruby Core (C Method):
Number of lines: 11
Owner: Array
Visibility: public
Signature: each()

Calls block once for each element in self, passing that
element as a parameter.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.each {|x| print x, " -- " }


a -- b -- c --

Call a method and initiate debugging from the rails console without editing the source code?

mhm this sound a bit like metaprogramming for me, you may inject a debugging method at runtime in your model, which will add the debugging statement just before the method call so you can inspect the call as needed, like:

m = MyModel.last
m.class.send(:define_method, :debug_my_method){debugger; my_method}

this should do on the irb (just tested it on may rails console)

When creating a method without a class in the Rails console, what class is the method under?

Ruby creates a object of Object class when you run your console, so all methods are private instance methods of Object class, you can run this to verify.

        Object.private_instance_methods.include? :test

So when you define your methods in console It is interpreted to this

class Object
def test
puts "hi"

More explanation

I was wanted to explain this but a detailed article is written on this topic,

In Ruby, how do I check if method foo=() is defined?

The problem is that the foo= method is designed to be used in assignments. You can use defined? in the following way to see what's going on:

#=> nil
defined?( = "bar")
#=> nil

def foo=(bar)

#=> "assignment"
defined?( = "bar")
#=> "assignment"

Compare that to:

def foo

#=> "method"

To test if the foo= method is defined, you should use respond_to? instead:

#=> false

def foo=(bar)

#=> true

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