Adding a Product Using Savon to Connect to Magento API

Filter products with API Magento in Ruby on Rails with Savon gem (SOAP)

I know this is very late, but if anyone else is finding this thread, I've created a magento_api_wrapper gem that implements filters for the Magento SOAP API v2. You can find the code here:

To summarize, if you want to use one of the Magento SOAP API simple filters, you can pass a hash with a key and value:

api = "", magento_username: "soap_api_username", magento_api_key: "userkey123")

api.product_list(simple_filters: [{key: "status", value: "processing"}, {key: created_at, value: "12/10/2013 12:00" }])

And to use a complex filter, pass a hash with key, operator, and value:

api.product_list(complex_filters: [{key: "status", operator: "eq", value: ["processing", "completed"]}, {key: created_at, operator: "from", value: "12/10/2013" }])

How to use the savon gem with Magento SOAP API

C# Example of using Magento's API:

The same applies to any other language including ruby. Obviously the syntax will differ and i'm assuming you know the Savon syntax already.

You may also want to checkout:

How do I correctly call Magento SOAP API with Ruby Savon for Category Product Links?

I was able to get this to work using Builder:

class ServiceRequest
def initialize(session, type, product)
@session = session
@type = type
@product = product

def to_s
builder =
builder.instruct!(:xml, encoding: "UTF-8")

"xmlns:env" => "",
"xmlns:ns1" => "urn:Magento",
"xmlns:ns2" => "",
"xmlns:xsd" => "",
"xmlns:xsi" => ""
) do |envelope|
envelope.tag!("env:Body") do |body|
body.tag!("ns1:call") do |call|
builder.sessionId(@session, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
builder.resourcePath("catalog_product_link.list", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
builder.args("xsi:type" => "ns2:Map") do |args|
args.item do |item|
item.key("type", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
item.value(@type, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
args.item do |item|
item.key("product", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
item.value(@product, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
end, xml:, 'up_sell', '166').to_s)

Thanks to @rubiii for the direction.

Add a configurable product to Magenta cart using SOAP V2 (Savon gem)

Finally, I got it,

I've added to the shoppingCarteProductEntity in: wsi.xml and wsdl.xml the line :

<element name="super_attribute" type="typens:associativeArray" minOccurs="0"/>

shoppingCartProductEntity :

<complexType name="shoppingCartProductEntity">
<element name="product_id" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="sku" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="qty" type="xsd:double" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="options" type="typens:associativeArray" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="super_attribute" type="typens:associativeArray" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="bundle_option" type="typens:associativeArray" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="bundle_option_qty" type="typens:associativeArray" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="links" type="typens:ArrayOfString" minOccurs="0"/>

Then (and it's the most important part), here's the way to call with Savon gem :

# ... 
# Before we initialize client, session_id, quote_id...

product_data = {
'product_id' => 123,
'sku' => 'MYSKU',
'qty' => 1,
'super_attribute' => [
key: '537',
value: '57'
key: '549',
value: '66'

res =, message: {sessionId: session_id, quoteId: quote_id, products: {item: [product_data] }})

Magento SOAP API v2: Setting product options in cart

Encountered a similar problem and the solution can be found in this answer - Setting Custom Options while adding a product to cart via SOAP in Magento

The example code given on Magento's SOAP page for cart_product.add is faulty.

How to create subcategories in Magento using API SOAP?

$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category');
$category->setStoreId(0); // 0 = default/all store view. If you want to save data for a specific store view, replace 0 by Mage::app()->getStore()->getId().

//if update
if ($id) {

$general['name'] = "My Category";
$general['path'] = "1/3/"; // catalog path here you can add your own ID
$general['description'] = "Great My Category";
$general['meta_title'] = "My Category"; //Page title
$general['meta_keywords'] = "My , Category";
$general['meta_description'] = "Some description to be found by meta search robots. 2";
$general['landing_page'] = ""; //has to be created in advance, here comes id
$general['display_mode'] = "PRODUCTS"; //static block and the products are shown on the page
$general['is_active'] = 1;
$general['is_anchor'] = 0;
$general['page_layout'] = 'two_columns_left';

//$general['url_key'] = "cars";//url to be used for this category's page by magento.
//$general['image'] = "cars.jpg";


try {
$category->setId(255); // Here you cant set your own entity id
echo "Success! Id: ".$category->getId();
catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();

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