How to Resolve Deprecation Warnings for Openssl::Cipher::Cipher#Encrypt

How to resolve deprecation warnings for OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher#encrypt

Due to the implicit type conversion in Ruby, older Ruby allows people use PBE (Password-Based Encryption) in a totally wrong way. The newer one fixes that so the warning is a good thing.

Your example shows exactly the problem. Triple-DES requires 24-byte key material (including parity) but you only provided 6 bytes. Your key material will be repeated to make up the deficit, that resulted in a less secure key.

The correct way to do this is to generate key and IV (initial vector) with PKCS5, which use complicated hashing and iteration to make the key much more secure.

Ruby provides following sample code. pass is your key and you can use any hardcoded value for salt.

puts "--Encrypting--"
des =
des.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass, salt)
cipher = des.update(text)
cipher <<
puts %(encrypted text: #{cipher.inspect})

puts "--Decrypting--"
des =
des.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass, salt)
out = des.update(cipher)
out <<
puts %(decrypted text: "#{out}")

How to fix openssl_encrypt(): Using an empty Initialization Vector (iv) is potentially insecure and not recommended in laravel?

Even though you are using a deprecated way to instantiate your class (using same name instead of __construct method) the sample code you provided is working.

You can improve your class like this.

class DES
private $key;
private $iv;
public function __construct(string $key, string $iv = '') {
$this->key = $key;
if(strlen($iv) != 8) {
$this->iv = \Illuminate\Support\Str::random(8);
} else {
$this->iv = $iv;

public function encrypt($str) {
return base64_encode( openssl_encrypt($str, 'DES-CBC', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->iv ) );


rails openssl different results of encryption from code and terminal

You provide the key and iv attributes as hex strings, but the expected format is raw bytes. Converting them to binary yields the expected result, with the following script:

require 'openssl'
require 'base64'

def hex_to_bin(s)
s.scan(/../).map { |x| x.hex.chr }.join

cipher ='aes-256-cbc')
cipher.key = hex_to_bin("C81E728D9D4C2F636F067F89CC14862C65990ABE58735B91B6B8798E8CE45F22")
cipher.iv = hex_to_bin("D342F9C6310F6B21E97AB38595BD8CAA")
encrypted_data = cipher.update("TestData")
encrypted_data <<
puts Base64.strict_encode64(encrypted_data)

(Source for the hex_to_bin function: To Hex and Back (With Ruby)).

Calling it encrypt.rb, this is the result of running it:

$ ruby encrypt.rb 
encrypt.rb:8: warning: constant OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher is deprecated

To get rid of the "is deprecated" warning I had to replace the deprecated class OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher with OpenSSL::Cipher.

How do I refactor OpenSSL pkcs5_keyivgen in ruby?

Was trying to solve this problem, but I think there is no easy solution or i just can't see one). Pkcs5_keyivgen() is deprecated and implements non-standard pass key derivation for AES 256.

From this docs and this source code

Pkcs5_keyivgen (pass, SALT = nil, num = 2048, digest = "MD5") -> nil 

Generates some key and IV from salt and pass. No salt in your case. Generation method is defined in v1.5 PKCS #5 (deprecated)

So you are looking for "Password Based Key Derivation Function". PBKDF1

Pkcs5_keyivgen() function calls EVP_BytesToKey() from Openssl and EVP_BytesToKey() generates key bytes for larger key size in a non-standard way

So MD5 generates hash of size EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE (16 + 20) // 16 for MD5

But AES key(32) + IV(16) sizes > EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE, so AES 256 will need multiple hashes to generate random key and IV. Here is source code of algorithm in C

And here is nice pseudo-code explanation of the EVP_BytesToKey()

If you really want to re-implement PBKDF1 here is also RTC2898 standard for PBKDF1
But i don't think that it is a good idea to implement crypto yourself

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