Stream and Unzip Large CSV File with Ruby

Stream and unzip large csv file with ruby

It's been a while since I posted this question and in case anyone else comes across it I thought it might be worth sharing what I found.

  1. For the number of rows I was dealing with Ruby's standard library CSV was too slow. My csv file was simple enough that I didn't need all that stuff to deal with quoted strings or type coercion anyway. It was much easier just use IO#gets and then split the line on commas.
  2. I was unable to stream the entire thing from http to a Zip::Inputstream to some IO containing the csv data. This is because the zip file structure has the End of Central Directory (EOCD) at the end of the file. That is needed in order to extract the file so streaming it from http doesn't seem like it would work.

The solution I ended up going with was to download the file to disk and then use Ruby's open3 library and the Linux unzip package to stream the uncompressed csv file from the zip.

require 'open3'

IO.popen('unzip -p /path/to/ big_file.csv', 'rb') do |io|
line = io.gets
# do stuff to process the CSV line

The -p switch on unzip sends the extracted file to stdout. IO.popen then use pipes to make that an IO object in ruby. Works pretty nice. You could use it with the CSV too if you wanted that extra processing, it was just too slow for me.

require 'open3'
require 'csv'

IO.popen('unzip -p /path/to/ big_file.csv', 'rb') do |io|
CSV.foreach(io) do |row|
# process the row

Ruby to Search and Combine CSV files when dealing with large files

As far as I was able to determine, OCLC IDs are alphanumeric. This means we want to use a Hash to store these IDs. A Hash has a general lookup complexity of O(1), while your unsorted Array has a lookup complexity of O(n).

If you use an Array, you worst case lookup is 18 million comparisons (to find a single element, Ruby has to go through all 18 million IDs), while with a Hash it will be one comparison. To put it simply: using a Hash will be millions of times faster than your current implementation.

The pseudocode below will give you an idea how to proceed. We will use a Set, which is like a Hash, but handy when all you need to do is check for inclusion:

oclc_ids =

CSV.foreach(...) {
oclc_ids.add(row[:oclc]) # Add ID to Set

# No need to call unique on a Set.
# The elements in a Set are always unique.

processed_keys =

CSV.foreach(...) {
next unless oclc_ids.include?(row[:oclc_num]) # Extremely fast lookup
next if processed_keys.include?(row[:oclc_num]) # Extremely fast lookup

ruby fastercsv, pre- and append identical text to every cell in file

Do you necessarily have to use fastercsv? If your input is really as simple as you show, the following should suffice:

pre_text = '%text'
post_text = '%''outfile.csv', 'w') {|of|
File.readlines('input_file.csv').each {|line|
of.puts line.strip.split(',').map{|x| pre_text + x + post_text}.join(',')

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