Rails 3: User Created Custom Forms

Rails 3: User Created custom forms?

I assume you have some kind of Form model, and then some kind of Field model, and a Form has_many :fields. Correct?

Building the form is than quite straightforward: retrieve the form, iterate over all the fields, and depending on the type, render the correct code. If you use something like formtastic or simple_form the code is pretty straightforward.

But to make it work, inside your controller you will have to create a dummy object, that has a getter and setter for all fields. You could use a simple hash for this, or OpenStruct (better). While iterating over the fields set the hash with empty or default values.

I think you also want to save the results of a form? I think the easiest way is to use a model like this

t.form_id :integer
t.fields_data :text

And store the entered data in the text-field in e.g. json or something.
You could also do something like

class FormData
belongs_to :form

class FormDataField
belongs_to :form_data
belongs_to :form_field

while this is the cleanest (you can query on values of filled in fields for a certain form), it is maybe too much of an overhead.

Custom Form Builder in Rails 3

The Rails source you are referring to shows that text_field has two parameters not three. See FormBuilder source from github.

So update your form builder class as:

class BootstrapFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def text_field(method, options = {})
super(method, options)

Then the usage of this, including the class option you want to add:

<%= form_for :foo, builder: BootstrapFormBuilder do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :foo_field, class: 'bootstrap_text_field' %>
<% end %>

Any options you pass in to the default FormBuilder are also available to this child class, so use the class option as you would for default form builder.

How to Generate Custom Forms with Builders in Rails

You can use dynamic form builder. Follow this github link. Hope it is useful.

Rails 3 - Forms, Custom Submit Button based on Action?

Yes, this is handled in Rails with i18n by default. The translations are in ActionView, and look like this:

# Default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
prompt: "Please select"

# Default translation keys for submit FormHelper
create: 'Create %{model}'
update: 'Update %{model}'
submit: 'Save %{model}'

All you need to do is f.submit (without passing "Create" or "Edit", etc) and the translations will do the rest. You can overwrite these by dropping the above yaml into your local locales.

If you need to set the class you can pass nil, e.g. f.submit nil, :class => 'whatev'

Custom Fields/Forms in Ruby on Rails

If using a relational database, here is one way to accomplish this:

class Form < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :form_fields
has_many :form_values

class FormField < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :form
has_many :form_values

class FormValue < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :form_field
belongs_to :form

I'm sure there are other ways to do it. Document-oriented databases may provide other options.

Rails Forms for custom actions

I believe that using the check_path helper that is generated from the routes file is your best bet.

The form should look like this then.

<%= form_tag(check_path) do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:idNumber) %>
<% end %>

Adding custom form into Devise edit page Ruby on Rails

Here your route user/edit/address is being generate from the match and is written via get method so you need to change it with

match 'user/edit/addresses' => 'registrations#addresses', via: :post, :as => :user_addresses

and in the form url path helper you are passing current user as a parameter while it does not exist in your route so form should get replace with

= form_for user_addresses_path, url: user_addresses_path, method: 'post', :html => { class: "form", :multipart => true } do |f|

Rails 3 Form For Custom Action

What if you did just :url => upload_photo_path(@photo)?

It seems a little strange that you'd be uploading to a member though. Is this just a creation method (in which case you should just POST to the collection path)?

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