Xpath Parent Attribute of Selection

xpath parent attribute of selection

Instead of traversing back to the parent, just find the right parent to begin with:

  • //x will select all x elements.
  • //x[//z] will select all x elements which have z elements as descendants.
  • //x[//z]/@name will get the name attribute of each of those elements.

Select by attribute of parent node in xpath query

Try the following :

allrows = table.find_elements_by_xpath("//tr[@class='Leaguestitle' or contains(@id,'tr1') and not (@align='center')]")

XPath: Get parent node from child node

Use the parent axes with the parent node's name.


This XPath will only select the parent node if it is a store.

But you can also use one of these


These xpaths will select any parent node. So if the document changes you will always select a node, even if it is not the node you expect.


What happens in the given example where the parent is a bicycle but the parent of the parent is a store?

Does it ascent?

No, it only selects the store if it is a parent of the node that matches //*[title="50"].

If not, is there a method to ascent in such cases and return None if there is no such parent?

Yes, you can use ancestor axes


This will select all ancestors of the node matching //*[title="50"] that are ` stores. E.g.

<data xmlns:d="defiant-namespace" d:mi="23">
<store mi="1">
<store mi="22">
<book price="8.95" d:price="Number" d:mi="13">
<title d:constr="String" d:mi="10">50</title>
<category d:constr="String" d:mi="11">reference</category>
<author d:constr="String" d:mi="12">Nigel Rees</author>

XPath selection result

XPath select parent attribute and child element data

This xpath 2.0 expression (and properly closing your sample html)

//parent/concat(@attr1,' ',child3/text())

should output:

a11 c13
a21 c23

Selecting a parent node in XPath?

Parent can be selected via .. in XPath, but often it's cleaner to use predicates higher in the ancestry instead:

//Item[not(ItemAttributes/Author="J.K. Rowling")]/ASIN

will select all ASIN elements in Item elements that do not have an ItemAttributes/Author with string value of "J.K. Rowling".

XPath for attribute in parent not containing a specific character?

This XPath,

//child[not(contains(../@attr, "Y"))]

will select all child elements that do not have a parent with an attr attribute value that contains a "Y",

<child id="child_11"/>
<child id="child_12"/>

as requested.

XPath Select all children with specific parent node by attribute

For the div element with an id attribute of hero //div[@id='hero'], these XPath expression will select elements as follows:

  • //div[@id='hero']/* will select all of its children elements.
  • //div[@id='hero']/img will select all of its children img elements.
  • //div[@id='hero']//* will select all of its descendent elements.
  • //div[@id='hero']//img will select all of its descendent img elements.

How select a parent node with XPath?

You can use either of the below options.

td with value val
ancestor link


Preferred xpath in this case

Get me any link which have td with value as val.


The below xpath works now, but when there any change to the page eg: if table is moved into a div, then this xpath will break.


Personally I prefer the 2nd option atleast in this case as a does not have any specific properties. And ancestor::a will select any link which is ancestor of the td.

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