Safe Navigation Equivalent to Rails Try for Hashes

Safe navigation equivalent to Rails try for hashes

&. is not equivalent to Rails' try, but you can use &. for hashes. Just use it, nothing special.


Although I would not do that.

Safe navigation operator for hash with string keys

The fact that this key is String isn't really relevant here. What you want (well, I guess) is to use safety operator with [] method and you can do it like this:


You can also make use of Hash#dig method, I think it will improve readability of this code:


Hash#dig also has the advantage of working properly with nested hashes (it was in fact designed to handle this case):

data = { 'str_key' => { 'str_key1' => { 'str_key2' => 'str_value' } } }
data.dig('str_key', 'str_key1', 'str_key2')
# => 'str_value'

Equivalent of .try() for a hash to avoid undefined method errors on nil?

You forgot to put a . before the try:

@myvar = session[:comments].try(:[],

since [] is the name of the method when you do [].

Why is safe navigation better than using try in Rails?

(1) &. is generally shorter than try(...)

Depending on the scenario, this can make your code more readable.

(2) &. is standard Ruby, as opposed to try

The method try is not defined in a Ruby core library but rather in a Rails library. When you are not developing a RoR web app but instead are writing e.g. little helper scripts, this will get relevant pretty fast.
(I prefer Ruby over Bash, for example.)

(3) &. makes debugging easier

The safe traversal operator will throw an error if a nonexistent method is being invoked.

>> "s"&.glubsch
NoMethodError: undefined method `glubsch' for "s":String

Only on nil it will behave leniently:

>> nil&.glubsch
=> nil

The try method will always return nil.

>> "s".try(:glubsch)
=> nil

Note that this is the case with most recent versions of Ruby and Rails.

Now imagine a scenario where a method named glubsch exists. Then you decide to rename that method but forget to rename it in one place. (Sadly, that can happen with ruby...) With the safe traversal operator, you will notice the mistake almost immediately (as soon as that line of code is executed for the first time). The try method however will happily provide you with a nil and you will get a nil related error somewhere downstream in program execution. Figuring out where such a nil came from can be hard at times.

Failing fast and hard with &. makes debugging easier than blithely returning nil with try.

EDIT: There is also the variant try! (with a bang) that behaves the same as &. in this regard. Use that if you don't like &..

(4) What if I don't care if a method is implemented or not?

That would be strange. Since that would be an unexpected way of programming, please make it explicit. For example by fleshing out the two cases (implemented or not) using respond_to? and branch off of that.

(5) What about try's block form?

Instead of a method name, a block can be passed to try. The block will be executed in the context of the receiver; and within the block there is no leniency applied. So with just a single method call, it will acutally behave the same as &..

>> "s".try{ glubsch }
NameError: undefined local variable or method `glubsch' for "s":String

For more complex computations, you might prefer this block form over introducing lots of local variables. E.g. a chain of

foo.try{ glubsch.blam }.try{ bar }.to_s

would allow foo to be nil but require foo.glubsch to return a non-nil value. Then again, you can do the same with the safe traversal operator in a more concise fashion:


Using try's block form for complex computations IMHO is a code smell, though, because it impedes readability. When you need to implement complex logic, introduce local variables with descriptive names and maybe use an if to branch off a nil case. Your code will be more maintainable.


Safe navigation operator (lonely operator) not working for hash

Because this


is syntactic sugar for this one


so this should work


but it's not pretty, I know.

Ruby - Is it possible to alias a method to the safe navigation operator

I guess you could go with something as simple as

class Object
def fast_try(meth,*args,&block)

For Example:

["string","STRING","pOw"].map do |s| 
.fast_try(:find, ->{"No S"}) { |a| a == "S" }
.fast_try(:prepend, "!")
#=> ["!S",nil,"!No S"]

While your question states, " No, I don't care about the minor behavior differences between try and safe navigation operator.", given the fact that you have written a gem and noted the following

Differences between FastTry and ActiveSupport#try

It is not our goal to maintain any consistency with the ActiveSupport version of the try method. I do however want to maintain a simple list of the differences. Please create a PR or Issue if you find a difference that should be documented here.

Nothing reported yet

I feel it prudent to mention that there are discernible, and potentially poignant, differences between the 2 here is a Repl Spec to show the differences and for the sake of this answer and the fact that the link might die the output of this spec is as follows:

ActiveSupport#try vs. Safe Navigation (&.)
handles would be NoMethodError with nil (using #respond_to?)
does not work on a BasicObject
behaves like a method call
with no method name given
when block_given?
yields self to a block with arity > 0
evaluates block with arity == 0 in the context of self
when no block_given?
raises an ArgumentError
with a method_name given
a non nil object
uses public_send for message transmission
calls NilClass#try and returns nil
does not handle NoMethodError
does not work on a BasicObject
behaves like a method call
with no method name given
when block_given?
yields self to a block with arity > 0
evaluates block with arity == 0 in the context of self
when no block_given?
raises an ArgumentError
with a method_name given
a non nil object
uses public_send for message transmission
calls NilClass#try and returns nil
&. (safe navigation)
does not handle NoMethodError
raises a SyntaxError with no method name given when block_given?
raises a SyntaxError with no method name given when no block_given?
works on a BasicObject
does not act like a method call
with a method_name given
a non nil object
&. is not called
returns nil without a method call

How does the &.method syntax (safe navigation operator) works in Ruby?

There are 2 seperate operators here:

  1. Safe navigation operator &. - It is safe navigation operator which was introduced in Ruby 2.3.0. It basically returns nil if the callee is nil instead of raising excecption undefined method called for Nil class. eg:

    a = 1
    # => 2
    # => 2
    a = nil
    # => NoMethodError (undefined method `next' for nil:NilClass)
    # => nil ## No exception, returns nil

    You can read about it more here and documentation

  2. Unary & : This operator is a little more complex. It is almost equivalent to calling #to_proc but not quite that. But for this discussion let us think like that. So, if you have a Proc, calling with & in front of it will call #to_proc on the Proc and convert it into a block

    multiply_by_2 = { |x| x * 2 }
    # => #<Proc:0x00007fb4771cf560>
    # &multiply_by_2 almost equivalent to { |x| x * 2 } but is not correct syntax
    [1, 2].map(&multiply_by_2)
    # => [2, 4]
    # equivalent to [1, 2].map { |x| x * 2 }

    But what happens if we give a symbol like :abc to & operator instead of a proc. It will try to call #to_proc on the symbol and ruby has defined Symbol#to_proc which roughly translates to something like this:

    def to_proc
    # this will return some block like { |x| x.send(:abc) }
    lambda { |x| x.send(self) }

    So &:abc roughly translates to this block { |x| } using the below transformation

    &:abc =====> :abc.to_proc =====> { |x| x.send(:abc) } ====> { |x| }

    So, instead of doing [1, 2, 3].map { |x| }, you could do [1, 2, 3].map(&:next) as &:next is roughly equivalent to the block { |x| }.

    See unary & (which is the main source of what I have written here) for more reading.

Which syntax will recomend between try and &. when we're dealing with nil value in Ruby on Rails?

  1. &. works like #try!, not #try. documentation
  2. #try not native in ruby but it is provided by rails.
  3. Safe navigation #&. is almost 3~4 times faster than using the #try
require 'active_support/all'
require 'benchmark'

foo = nil

puts Benchmark.measure { 10_000_000.times { foo.try(:boo) } }
puts Benchmark.measure { 10_000_000.times { foo&.boo } }


      1.210000   0.000000   1.210000 (  1.211835)
0.360000 0.000000 0.360000 ( 0.363127)

Syntactic sugar for Safe Navigation operator(&.)

How can the Safe Navigation operator(&.) be used on syntactic sugar for []method?

It can't. Matz doesn't want it to.

This feature was requested and rejected twice already:

  • Bug #11618: Safe call syntax with aref or aset is
  • Feature #11813: Extend safe navigation operator for [] and []= with syntax sugar

Matz says:

I am not going to add safe navigation for aref and aset.
Maybe you can use a.?[](x) (method call of an operator).

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