Vagrant Install Plugin from Github

vagrant install plugin from github

As of today I see only two workarounds:

  1. you could rake build the plugin, upload the resulting .gem to gemfury, and then use this as the --plugin-source.
  2. you could install the plugin from a local source, e.g. vagrant plugin install /path/to/your/bugfixed.gem

In the end, I would love to see something like a Gemfile for Vagrant plugins. AFAIK there ain't no such thing yet but here is a feature request

EDIT: actually there is an awesome project called bindler now. The feature request to add git location support in bindler is still outstanding, but this is the place where it should be fixed imho

Demand a Vagrant plugin within the Vagrantfile?

2019 Update: Vagrant now has functionality to require plugins through the Vagrantfile via:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vagrant.plugins = "vagrant-some-plugin"

# or as array:
config.vagrant.plugins = ["vagrant-some-plugin", "vagrant-some-other-plugin"]

# or as hash
config.vagrant.plugins = {"vagrant-some-plugin" => {"version" => "1.0.0"}}

If Vagrant detects there are plugins not already installed it will prompt the user to install them itself:

$ vagrant up
Vagrant has detected project local plugins configured for this
project which are not installed.

Install local plugins (Y/N) [N]: y
Installing the 'vagrant-some-plugin' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Fetching vagrant-some-plugin-1.0.0.gem
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-some-plugin (1.0.0)'!

Vagrant has completed installing local plugins for the current Vagrant
project directory. Please run the requested command again.


Installing vagrant-vsphere plugin

You should be able to install it after bulding it from source:

mkdir ~/tmpbuild
cd ~/tmpbuild
git clone git://
cd vagrant-vsphere
gem build vSphere.gemspec
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vsphere-0.0.1

vagrant include plugin source in my project

I had a similar need and the method I went with was to add the following at the top of my Vagrantfile:

unless Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-omnibus") || ARGV[0] == 'plugin'
origargs = ARGV.join(" ");
puts "Plugins not found"
exec "vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus;vagrant #{origargs}"

It doesn't really answer your questions I guess but it works for me, I found that I also needed to add sudo in front of the vagrant plugin command for my ubuntu setup, but as you don't state what OS you are running that might not be relevant.

Unable to install vagrant-hostupdater plugin during Vagrant up with VVV

I have tried it and seen the github page you have shared.
Well, in your case you are making a typo i.e. spelling error:
its not 'vagrant-hostupdater', it's called the 'vagrant-hostsupdater' package, you are missing an 's' in there.

Here is the github page hosting the vagrant-hostsupdater code:

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