Why Don't Ruby Methods Have Lexical Scope

Why don't ruby methods have lexical scope?

It's because Ruby's methods aren't first class objects (as they would be in IO, for example). So when you define the inner method, what is the receiver? Presumably the method itself, or the binding or something, but Ruby doesn't have that deep of OO.

Anyway, it's unclear to me what you were expecting to happen in your example, were you wanting it to modify the local variable a? If so, a proc is a suitable substitute for a method.

def test
a = "a is for apple"
inner_method = lambda do
a = "something"

a # => "a is for apple"
a # => "something"


"functional.rb" is a more extravagant example of this style of programming.

And "lambda, proc, and Proc.new" is a breakdown of Ruby's different types of closures.

Why can't ruby classes inside modules have the same scope as regular classes?

I have a module with a class inside,

No, you don't. You have a module definition with a class definition inside, but that does not make the class a nested class. Ruby does not have nested classes.

Ruby is not Beta, Scala, or Newspeak, there are no nested classes in Ruby.

Nesting a module or class definition inside another module or class definition does not create nesting relationship between the two classes / modules. It only makes the constant which references the class / module part of the outer class' / module's namespace.

In other words, there is no difference between

module Foo
class Bar


class Quux

module Foo
Bar = Quux

Only the constant is nested, but not the object that is referenced by the constant.

but I find that the class inside can't reach any of the methods in the enclosing module without specifying the module path.

That is precisely because there is no "enclosing module". There is a lexically enclosing module definition but that does not create any form of relationship whatsoever between the Foo class and the MyMod module.

Another way to look at it is that the module_function doesn't seem to carry into the class.

I honestly don't understand what you mean by that, what it means for a method to "carry into a class", but Module#module_function is not magic. It does exactly what the documentation says it does: it takes an instance method of the module, copies it as an instance method of the singleton class of the module, and makes the original instance method private.

You can read its specification in the Ruby/Spec, it is fairly simple. Also, the Rubinius source code, both the basic version for booting the Rubinius kernel and the full version are fairly readable.

In the end, Module#module_function really does not do much more than

class Module
def module_function(*meths)
meths.each do |meth|
define_singleton_method(meth, &instance_method(meth).bind(self))
private meth


If you run this, you get an error on the "But I can't..." line of:

undefined local variable or method `meaning'

The reason is simple: neither the class Foo nor any of its superclasses has any method of that name, so of course you get an exception.

But if you remove the MyMod bits around the whole file, it has no problem accessing the outer method.

There is no "outer method". Ruby does not have Beta-like nested classes. That is really the fundamental cause of your misunderstanding. You expect Ruby to behave like Beta, but it just doesn't. Ruby takes inspiration from any languages, most notably (in rough order of importance) Smalltalk, Lisp, Perl, and Clu, but Beta is not among them.

This here works for a completely different reason:

def meaning

class Foo
def initialize

Methods that are defined at the top-level are implicitly defined as private instance methods of Object. This is because the default definee at the top-level is ::Object. Since Foo inherits from Object, method lookup will eventually find the meaning method defined in Object.

Is there an easy way to make these accessible without having to give the full path?

Inheritance. For example, Module#append_features, which is called by Module#include, makes the module the superclass of the including class, and thus all instance methods of the module become part of the method lookup ancestry chain.

An aside: if there is no nesting, then what does Module::nesting do? Well, yeah, that is an unfortunately named method. The term "nested class" or "nested module" has a well-defined meaning in OO going all the way back to Beta. But this method is about a completely different kind of nesting:

It refers to the lexical nesting of module definitions, and not to nesting of modules themselves.

For example, these module definitions all define the exact same module, but the definition text has different nesting:

module Foo
module Bar
module Baz
module Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar::Baz, Foo::Bar, Foo]

module Foo
module Bar
module Baz::Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar, Foo]

module Foo
module Bar::Baz
module Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar::Baz, Foo]

module Foo::Bar
module Baz
module Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar::Baz, Foo::Bar]

module Foo
module Bar::Baz::Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo]

module Foo::Bar::Baz
module Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar::Baz]

module Foo::Bar
module Baz::Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux, Foo::Bar]

module Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux
p Module.nesting
#=> [Foo::Bar::Baz::Qux]

Again, this is purely lexical nesting of the module definition. The module itself is not nested; the module itself is the same in all of these cases. This nesting only affects constant lookup.

Constants are looked up first lexically outwards in enclosing module definitions, then upwards the inheritance chain.

There is another instance where things can be nested: blocks create nested lexical scopes, whereas all other lexical scopes (script, module / class definition, and method definition) don't nest. In other words, blocks and only blocks have access to the local variables (and self) of their enclosing lexical scopes.

Confused about what is a block and how local scope works in Ruby

Your confusion seems to stem from not knowing what exactly a 'block' is.

My conclusion is that not all do-end blocks are actually blocks

This is true...

and there is no unambiguous way of knowing what defines as lexical scope when reading code other than just knowing it

...this not so much.

do/end do not a block make. Blocks are defined as being tightly coupled with a method invocation. More concretely, blocks are only legal following a method invocation. 'loop' is a method of class Kernel. 'true' and 'while' are not methods. So the behaviour you are seeing is correct.

Just to make clear: the braces are generally used for blocks that fit on one line, and multi-line blocks are usually delimited between do/end. But if there is no associated method call, do/end does not mean it is a block.

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