Ruby - Remove Pattern from String

Ruby - remove pattern from string

Assuming that the "WBA" spot will be a sequence of any letter or number, followed by a space, dash, and space:

str = "WBA - Skinny Joe vs. Hefty Hal"
str.sub /^\w+\s-\s/, ''

By the way — RegexPal is a great tool for testing regular expressions like these.

Remove substring from the string

You can use the slice method:

a = "foobar"
a.slice! "foo"
=> "foo"
=> "bar"

there is a non '!' version as well. More info can be seen in the documentation about other versions as well:

Removing a pattern from the beginning and end of a string in ruby

gsub can take a regular expression:

text.gsub!(/(<br \/>\s*)*$/, '')
text.gsub!(/^(\s*<br \/>)*/, '')

Is there a Regex Delete in Ruby?

One way is to add your own short methods:

class String

def del(regexp)

def del!(regexp)


Typically this code would go in a lib/ directory, for example lib/string-extensions.rb

Heads up that some programmers really dislike this because it's monkey-patching. I personally like it for projects because it makes code easier to understand - once I have the "del" method, I can quickly see that calls to it are just deleting the regexp.

Remove a string pattern and symbols from string

arr = ["not12345", "   notabc", "notone, nottwo", "notCAPSLOCK",
"##doublehash:", "h#a#s#h", "#notswaggerest"].

arr.flat_map { |str| str.downcase.split(',').map { |s| s.gsub(/#|not|\s+/,"") } }
#=> ["12345", "abc", "one", "two", "capslock", "doublehash:", "hash", "swaggerest"]

When the block variable str is set to "notone, nottwo",

s = str.downcase
#=> "notone, nottwo"
a = s.split(',')
#=> ["notone", " nottwo"]
b = { |s| s.gsub(/#|not|\s+/,"") }
#=> ["one", "two"]

Because I used Enumerable#flat_map, "one" and "two" are added to the array being returned. When str #=> "notCAPSLOCK",

s = str.downcase
#=> "notcapslock"
a = s.split(',')
#=> ["notcapslock"]
b = { |s| s.gsub(/#|not|\s+/,"") }
#=> ["capslock"]

Ruby regex to remove / from string

You have to escape the forward slash because it's a special character. Something like this:

s = "This   is a line / string"
s.gsub(/[\s\/]/, '') # => "Thisisalinestring"

Ruby- How to remove all words which have a specific pattern in a string

Similar to @Sam's answer, only smaller :) Uses the little known Enumerable#grep_v.

Inverted version of #grep. Returns an array of every element in enum for which not Pattern === element.

"I am very happy today".split.grep_v(/a/).join(' ') # => "I very"

Simple method to remove pattern matching regex from string in Ruby

No, that is the simplest you can do.

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