How to Access the Base Namespace in Ruby

How to access the base namespace in Ruby?


Prefixing with :: accesses the 'root' of the namespace tree.

How do you find the namespace/module name programmatically in Ruby on Rails?

None of these solutions consider a constant with multiple parent modules. For instance:


As of Rails 3.2.x you can simply:

"A::B::C".deconstantize #=> "A::B"

As of Rails 3.1.x you can:

constant_name = "A::B::C"
constant_name.gsub( "::#{constant_name.demodulize}", '' )

This is because #demodulize is the opposite of #deconstantize:

"A::B::C".demodulize #=> "C"

If you really need to do this manually, try this:

constant_name = "A::B::C"
constant_name.split( '::' )[0,constant_name.split( '::' ).length-1]

Ruby, how to reference Root namespace?

What is the root object? If you mean main object, you can't set constant at this level:

TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self').const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")
# NoMethodError: undefined method `const_set' for main:Object
# from (irb):71
# from /home/malo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

If you mean Object object, do as follows:

Object.const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")
# => "value"

then you can use at the main, or at any other level:

# => "value"

Adding another confirmation

We can set a constant using Kernel or using Object and in both cases the constant will be accessible from the root namespace:

Kernel.const_set("KERNEL_CONSTANT", "value")
Object.const_set("OBJECT_CONSTANT", "value")

puts !!(defined? ::KERNEL_CONSTANT) # => true
puts !!(defined? ::OBJECT_CONSTANT) # => true

But if we set a constant in the root namespace this constant is actually set in Object and not in Kernel:

::ROOT_CONSTANT = "value"

puts !!(defined? Object::ROOT_CONSTANT) # => true
puts !!(defined? Kernel::ROOT_CONSTANT) # => false

Accessing a class's containing namespace from within a module

In your example, User is just a constant that points to a Class object. You can easily create another constant pointer when MyMagicMixin is included:

module MyMagicMixin
class <<self
def self.included(klass)
base.extend MyMagicMixin::ClassMethods


def create_pluralized_alias(klass)
fq_name = klass.to_s
class_name = fq_name.demodulize
including_module = fq_name.sub("::#{class_name}$", ''))
including_module = including_module.blank? ? Object : including_module.constantize
including_module.const_set class_name.pluralize, klass

module ClassMethods
# cass methods here

Of course this doesn't answer whether you should do such a thing.

How to access a namespace method in Ruby console?

If you want to call a method defined inside a .rake file you do something similar to what @Nate said, but instead of calling the raketask, call the method:

require 'rake'
Rake.load_rakefile 'lib/tasks/namespace_name.rake'
method_name(arg1, arg2)

It feels kind of strange that you don't need to specify the namespaces but I just tried this and it worked.

How to access top-level namespace via metaprogramming in Ruby?

Michael Gorman's suggestion of String Interpolation was good, this is what ended up working:

klass = "::#{model_name.to_s.capitalize}".constantize

How to get all class names in a namespace in Ruby?


returns all constants in Foo. This includes, but is not limited to, classnames. If you want only class names, you can use {|c| Foo.const_get(c).is_a? Class}

If you want class and module names, you can use is_a? Module instead of is_a? Class.

Ruby using namespace/module

If you want to shorten these, you can just import that namespace:


include Net
# HTTP.start(...)

Be careful when you import aggressively as it might cause conflict within your class if you get carried away.

An alternative is to create aliases:

Get = Net::HTTP::Get

The "correct" way is to just spell it out and not get too flustered by that. A typical Ruby program will bury this sort of low-level behavior beneath an abstraction layer so it's rarely a big deal.

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