Making a Soap Request by Using Xml in Rails

Making a SOAP request by using XML in Rails

You could do this:

def post_xml(path, xml)
host = ""
http =
resp =, xml, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8' })
return resp.body

The XML response would be returned by this method.

Soap Request Format when using Savon in ruby

The node that your Savon is producing is called token whereas the service is expecting to receive Token (with capital T). As you can see, all the nodes have the same problem: they are sent with the initial letter in lowercase and they are expected to be received in uppercase.

Savon by default will convert keys to lowerCamelcase. You can change this behavior in the global convert_request_keys_to.

The options to this global are :camelcase, :lower_camelcase, :upcase and :none.
In your problem, you should use :camelcase.

require 'savon'
client = Savon.client(
wsdl: "",
convert_request_keys_to: :camelcase

This way, you can send your request as:

request = client.build_request(:ws_gen_rate_estimate, message: { token: "XXXXX", origin_city: "Birmingham" })

And the keys will be converted to its corresponding camelcase. Note that you can write them in snakecase and will be transformed correctly.

Sending a file with a SOAP request in Ruby

You should try to add your file in your xml request, transforming you file into a Base64 file.

file_data = Base64.encode64(File.binread("/path/to/your/file"))

Integrate that file_data into your xml, and your full request will be something like this :

body = "<ws:action type=\"string\">ORDER_CREATE</ws:action>>
<ws:document type=\"file\" extension=\"pdf\" prefix=\"\" suffix=\"\">
<ws:document_name type=\"string\">pdf_file_name.pdf</ws:document_name>
<ws:get_proof type=\"string\">NO</ws:get_proof>
<ws:identifier type=\"indstringlist\" case-sensitive=\"?\">
<nir:data key=\"LOGIN\">login</nir:data>
<nir:data key=\"PASSWORD\">password</nir:data>
<ws:mailing_type type=\"string\">UNIQUE</ws:mailing_type>
<ws:service_profile type=\"indstringlist\" case-sensitive=\"?\">
<nir:data key=\"service_id\">MAIL</nir:data>

In your, soap_header: soap_header, message: body)

This should work I think !

SOAP call in Ruby on Rails using Savon gets weird around the envelope and main operation

Ok this works (verified)

@client = Savon.client(
:wsdl => '',
:log => true,
:wsse_auth => ['devc_!R4xc8p9', 'xxx'],
:pretty_print_xml => true,
:convert_request_keys_to => :camelcase,
:env_namespace => :s,
:namespace_identifier => nil

message = {
"d6p1:Message" => {
"d6p1:MessageID" => "10",
"d6p1:MessageTimeStamp" =>"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
"d6p1:Customer" => {
"d6p1:CustomerCode" => "DEVC",
"d6p1:CustomerNumber" => "11223344"},
"d6p1:Barcode" => {
"d6p1:Type" => "3S",
"d6p1:Range" => "DEVC",
"d6p1:Serie" => "1000000-2000000" }

attributes = { "xmlns:d6p1" => "",
"xmlns:i" => "",
"xmlns" => ""}, :attributes => attributes,
:message => message,
:soap_header => { "Action" => ""})

So the trick was adding :namespace_identifier => nil and sending attributes. Setting namespace_identifier removes the wsdl from GenerateBarcode ans attributes sets some namespaces on GenerateBarcode tag. Now I remember why I hate SOAP so much :(

How build proper SOAP request to with Savon gem

ok, this is solution to my problem:

client = Savon.client(wsdl: "", namespace: "http://CIS/BIR/PUBL/2014/07", env_namespace: :soap, use_wsa_headers: true, soap_version: 2, endpoint: "", namespace_identifier: :ns)
response =, message: { "ns:pKluczUzytkownika" => "abcde12345abcde12345" }, soap_action: "http://CIS/BIR/PUBL/2014/07/IUslugaBIRzewnPubl/Zaloguj")

I hope, you find it useful :)

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