How to Transfer Files Using Ssh and Scp Using Ruby Calls

How do I transfer multiple files using Ruby Net::SSH.start?

I would suggest using net sftp for this as it allows globing directory which is more elegant. Here:

require 'net/sftp'
Net::SFTP.start( scp_hostname, scp_username, :keys => scp_keys, :timeout => 360 ) do |sftp|
sftp.dir.glob("/remote/path", "*.log") do |file|!( "/remote/path/#{}", "./files1/#{}" )

or with ssh you can use the following trick:

Net::SSH.start( scp_hostname, scp_username, :keys => scp_keys ) do |ssh|
logfiles = ssh.exec!( 'ls /remote/path/*.log' ).split
logfiles.each { |file|!( file, file )

Ruby: how to do scp within ssh?

Well, answering your question:
Apparently yes, you can pass an ssh session as an argument.

scp =

That's actually what Net::SCP.start does

If your script runs on machineA can't you just do:

Net::SCP.upload!("machineB", "user",
ssh: { password: "pwd" })

How do I copy a file from one server to another?

This is how it worked

I used the net-ssh & net-scp gem as suggested by @theTinMan and i was able to copy my files.

require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/scp'

Net::SSH.start("ip_address", "username",:password => "*********") do |session|! "/home/logfiles/2-1-2012/login.xls", "/home/anil/Downloads"

and to a copy a entire folder

require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/scp'

Net::SSH.start("ip_address", "username",:password => "*********") do |session|!("/home/logfiles/2-1-2012", "/home/anil/Downloads", :recursive => true)

Ruby net/scp, upload file from variable

While it will interpret a string as a file name, it should recognise a StringIO object as actual data to upload.

How do I do SCP with Ruby and a private key?

a brief look at this documentation suggests that it doesn't accept an ssh key option, as you are passing. But assuming you are right and I am wrong on that portion,

without seeing what value you are passing to transfer_file and what is stored in @folder, i can only guess, but assuming that they are both file objects, you can't concatenate the objects. you have to grab their path attributes. you might want to log the value of those two variables to make sure you are getting a path. you may also have better luck using the ruby "#{}" method to concat string arguments, again guessing here but

path = "#{@folder.path}/#{destination_file.path}" #=> "my_folder/destination_folder


scp.upload!(source_file,path, :ssh => @key)

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