How to Configure Config.Yml So That I Can Install Devkit

Can't get Ruby DevKit configuration file autogenerated properly

It seems the problem is that that the 64bit version of Ruby 2.0.0 creates a registry entry in a location that the Devkit initilisation script (dk.rb) is not aware of ('Software\Wow6432Node\RubyInstaller\MRI').

Until the Devkit installer is updated, you can get the installation to work by opening %DevKitExtractionDir%\dk.rb in a text editor and changing the REG_KEYS array to include the 64-bit registry path, so it looks like this:


Invalid configuration or no Rubies listed. Please fix 'config.yml' and rerun 'ruby dk.rb install'


- G:\Ruby22-x64

The YAML syntax says you need the 3 dashes at the top and then both the dash and space (-)

VisualRuby and DevKit setup

I've installed VisualRuby directed by instructions at It works just fine. I use ruby 1.9.3

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