Elastic Beanstalk: Can't Find Gem Bundler (>= 0.A) with Executable Bundle (Gem::Gemnotfoundexception)

Elastic Beanstalk: can't find gem bundler (= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

So here's the programmatic solution to the above problem. Create the below file under .ebextensions/gem_install_bundler.config:

# Runs before `./10_bundle_install.sh`:
"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/09_gem_install_bundler.sh" :
mode: "000775"
owner: root
group: users
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash

EB_APP_STAGING_DIR=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config container -k app_staging_dir)
EB_SCRIPT_DIR=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config container -k script_dir)
# Source the application's ruby, i.e. 2.6. Otherwise it will be 2.3, which will give this error: `bundler requires Ruby version >= 2.3.0`
. $EB_SCRIPT_DIR/use-app-ruby.sh

echo "Installing compatible bundler"
gem install bundler -v 2.0.1

Then when you next eb deploy, the bundler will have been updated to version 2.0.1, and you won't get the above error again.

More information in the docs here:


and here:


Last note: Ensure that you either commit these changes before running eb deploy, or stage them and run eb deploy --staged. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/eb3-cli-git.html. I learned this the hard way!

Can't find gem railties (= 0.a) with executable rails (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

try to run
gem install bundler
then run bundle

if you still getting the error then run,

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

How to fix bundle error in AWS elastic beanstalkd

this solve with add this after files "# Runs before './10_bundle_install.sh':" ' change with ` –

Rails: Could not find bundler (2.2.11) required by Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

Make sure you're entering "bundle" update, if you have the bundler gem installed.

bundle update

If you don't have bundler installed, do gem install bundler.

How to fix Rails 5.2 application bundler issue for AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment

In Rails 5.2 you have to install bundler 2.0.1 version. To fix this issue you can follow below steps -

Step #1. You have add eb extensions for installing bundler 2.0.1 version to AWS Elastic beanstalk -

# Go to your project root directory
$ mkdir .ebextensions
$ vim .ebextensions/bundler_install.config

# Runs before `./10_bundle_install.sh`:
"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/09_gem_install_bundler.sh" :
mode: "000775"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#! /bin/bash

EB_APP_STAGING_DIR=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config container -k app_staging_dir)
EB_SCRIPT_DIR=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config container -k script_dir)
# Source the application's ruby, i.e. 2.6. Otherwise it will be 2.3, which will give this error: `bundler requires Ruby version >= 2.3.0`
. $EB_SCRIPT_DIR/use-app-ruby.sh

echo "Installing compatible bundler"
gem install bundler -v 2.0.1

Step #2. Go to AWS Elastic beanstalk All applications -> example-rails52 -> example-eb-rails52-env then click Configuration -> Software -> Modify and then added this env variable


and click save

Step #3. Deploy the app again

$ eb deploy

Hope it should work.

Why do I get `Could not find 'bundler' (1.17.3)` after upgrading Ruby?

This is because gem install bundler will install the newer 2.x version of bundler and the Gemfile.lock specifies the version of bundler to use at the bottom.

You can either:

Install bundler 1.x

gem install bundler:1.17.3

If this does not work try deleting Gemfile.lock and doing bundle install.

Upgrade Gemfile.lock to use 2.x

bundle update --bundler

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