Conditional Haml - If Else Nesting

conditional haml - if else nesting

You can use a ternary operator to conditionally apply the style attribute:

#content-inner{ :style => @transparency ? "background: url(../../../images/illustrations/" + @transparency + ") no-repeat 88% 50%" : '' }

For a more complicated arrangement, for example manipulating multiple hash attributes, it's best to either use a helper method, or to move the common content to a partial.

Haml if else nesting


-["email", "password"].each do |param|
.text{:class => f.object.errors.any? ? "error" : nil}
= f.label param.to_sym
= f.text_field param.to_sym
%p#foo= "Escriba el #{param}"
= render 'shared/error_messages', :object => f.object, :param => param.to_sym

haml conditional if/else indentation

You can set the class to a variable holding the class names based on the index to DRY it up:

- @color.shades.each_with_index do |shade, index|
- shade_classes = index == 0 ? '' : 'horizontalLine second'
#shades{ :class => shade_classes }
%h3 something
%dt some
%dd some1

How to do an if/else in HAML without repeating indented code

- @user = "jed" #=> stubbing out an instance
- string = defined?(@user) ? "#{@user}" : nil #=> for demo only, wrap this in a helper method
%title{'data-account' => string}

HAML: Indenting if/else statements with common content

you can try Ternary operator:

%div{ :class => condition ? 'truecondition' : 'falsecondition' }
(Ten lines of content)

HAML conditional tags

If you need to do this logic in different views I think there are two approaches you can follow:

1. Make a partial and render it where you need this. If you need to pass variables use local_assigns


- if ordered
- else

use it

render 'partials/my_list', ordered: ordered

2. Make your own helper

def my_list(ordered)   
if ordered
content_tag(:ol, class: 'my-class') do
# more logic here
# use concat if you need to use more html blocks
end else
content_tag(:ul, class: 'my-class') do
# more logic here
# use concat if you need to use more html blocks

use it

= my_list(ordered)

You can keep your ordered variable outside of the view and deal with the whole logic inside the helper.

If you ask yourself what to use, well the first answer from here is pretty good.

If Else in HAML to check the value of a select box

Yes and no. You can write a conditional based on the values of the record that you bind to the form:

= form_for @question do |f|
= f.label :type
=, :type, %w(Text Picture Audio Video), id: 'question_type_combo'
- unless f.object.question_type_combo === 'Text'
= f.label :url
= text_field :url, id: 'question_url_text'

But this would only change the visibility after the user submits the form and not be very useful.

Instead you can just use jQuery to create an event handler for the ´change´ event.

$(document).on('change','#question_type_combo', function(){   var type = $(this).first(':selected').val();   var $other_input = $('#other_input');   if (type == 'Text') {     $other_input.hide();   } else {     $;   }});
// sets the initial state// if you are using turbolinks$(document).on('page:load', function(){ $('#question_type_combo').trigger('change');});
// if you are not using turbolinks $(function(){ $('#question_type_combo').trigger('change');});
<script src=""></script><form>  <div class="field">    <label>Type</label>     <select name="question[question_type_combo]" id="question_type_combo">       <option>Text</option>       <option>Something else</option>    </select>  </div>  <div class="field" id="other_input">    <label>URL</label>     <input type="text" name="question[url]">  </div></form>

If else condition in HAML

You need to call cycle within a loop. Are you doing that?

And this would make tidier code:

.review.alert{class: cycle('alert-info', 'alert-success')}

= review.username

Unless you meant to only include username, save_hours & suggestion every other time?

Expressing conditional HAML possibly with ternary operator

The code you have makes the text a child of the <br> element; that is not desirable. What you really meant, I think, was:

- if @page.nil?
(nothing yet)
- else

For this you can simply do:

#{@page.nil? ? "(nothing yet)" :}


= @page.nil? ? "(nothing yet)" :

Or simply:

<br>#{@page ? : "(nothing yet)"}

However, personally I would 'fix' this in the controller so that you always have a @page, with something like:

unless @page
@page = name:"(nothing yet)", … )

With this you can stub out what a new/empty/nothing page looks like and let your view treat it like any other. Your @page still won't have a, so you can use that for tests to decide if you are creating a new item or editing an existing one.

This is how I handle all my forms that may be used to create or edit an item: provide defaults by creating (but not adding to the database) an item with the default values.

Aside: You're creating a <br> which is almost never a good idea, and you're creating it with Haml which should not be used for content markup. You might step back and think about what you're doing.

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