Heroku: Gemfile.Lock Is Required Issue

heroku: Gemfile.lock is required issue

Few things

  1. Did you placed Gemfile.lock in git? if yes, is it lock (means updated? - you did several times just double check)
  2. Just do bundle install on your local prompt.
  3. now place Gemfile.lock
    • git add . or you can add only Gemfile.lock with this git add Gemfile.lock
    • git commit -m "commit message here"
    • git push

Now do git push heroku it should work.

Cannot push to Heroku (gemfile.lock issue)

The answer was deceptively simple (of course):

git push staging staging:master

The issue was that I was on the staging branch and needed to update my Heroku staging server's master branch.

Shame on me for overlooking something so obvious!
... and shame on Heroku's decidedly unhelpful output.

Gemfile.lock not checked in - Heroku

Found the answer at - http://www.unityisplural.com/2010/11/hobo-finally.html

Rails app - Heroku push rejected - Seeming Gemfile and Gemfile.lock issue

Delete your Gemfile.lock and run bundle install again

Heroku Deployment Gemfile.lock Problem

Well it turns out the answer was pretty simple. According to the Heroku Support Guy, you can't use if statements in your Gemfile. The offending line from my Gemfile was:

gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => true if (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i)

How do I fix a Bundler Conflict when pushing to Heroku?

I've ran into this issue some time ago: I contacted Heroku and they told me they have a locked version of Bundler, so your only option is to use the Bundler version they use:

gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler -v 2.0.2
bundle update

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