Error: While Executing Gem ... (Zlib::Gzipfile::Error) Not in Gzip Format

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error) not in gzip format

I assume the ERROR occurs since the web sense at my workplace blocks these downloads.

Solution: I downloaded the required gems: chunky_png, fssm, compass, sass, haml etc.. directly from and placed these gems in my local directory.

After this I tried gem install compass. This first searches your local directory. On finding the required gems, installation takes place. Does not require connection to the ruby website.

Note: Run the command from the path where the gems are located

eg: I have placed the gems in C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems

So I run the following command :

C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems>gem install compass

I get this error when installing a gem: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)

Something isn't set up properly to fetch the gem from GitHub.

try gem fetch -V

steve@macpro:~$ gem fetch blackbook --version ">= 1.0.7" --source -V
GET 301 Moved Permanently:
GET 200 OK:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)
not in gzip format

You're getting the "not in gzip format" error because gem can't fetch specs.4.8.gz. GitHub returns a 301 redirect back to your project home page, which of course isn't what it wants and isn't gzipped.

Sorry I can't help you further, but I haven't build a gem, much less on GitHub.

Zlib::GzipFile::Error: not in gzip format

Your str contains Base64 encoded data. However, since Zlib::GzipReader doesn't decode the data on its own but expects the raw binary gzip data, it fails.

You can manually decode the data before creating your StringIO object though:

require 'base64'
require 'stringio'
require 'zlib'

str = 'H4sIAAAAAAAA/y2NwQrDIBAFfyXstUbWNWrir5RSrEoQUi2JOZSQf6+EHt8wzDtgKd7VVPIG9n7AMwWwYhj1MBkkwtEwcN7vq/NfsAo5MnhFt6Y8g71WcDXW9I5ggVCYHqlH0xE12RJ1N5SIwGBpJ3UPTVOKa41IssGS5z+Vhhs1SdHo9okxXPXzcf4AY45Ve6EAAAA='
raw = Base64.decode64(str)
input =
# => {"locations":[{"_id":1486497022087,"accuracy":50.0,"bearing":0.0,"datetime":"2017-02-07 22:50:22 +0300","latitude":55.660023,"longitude":37.759313,"speed":0.0}]}

The website you linked to also describes this behavior (emphasis mine):

This simple online text compression tool is compressing a plain text and decompressing compressed base64 string with gzip, bzip2 and deflate algorithms

ERROR: While executing gem with local gem

I fixed this by changing my DNS as detailed in this question

Rubygems blocked by Norton DNS

I ran namebench and have switched to OpenDNS-2.

strange bundler error: tar_input.rb:49:in `initialize': not in gzip format (Zlib::GzipFile::Error) on bundle pack

to answer my own question:

the fix was to delete all the contents from


after that it worked.

clearly a bundler bug.

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