Parse Email Addresses for "From" and "To" Fields in Ruby

Parse email addresses for from and to fields in Ruby

Yes, there's a gem for this; it's called mail.

require 'mail'

addresses = []
raw_addresses ="Abe Allen <>, Bob Blue <>,")

raw_addresses.addresses.each do |a|
address = {}

address[:address] = a.address
address[:name] = a.display_name if a.display_name.present?

addresses << address

Ruby/Rails Parsing Emails

I've coded so that it will work even if you have an entry like: John Bob Smith Doe <>

It would retrieve:

{:email => "", :fname => "John", :lname => "Bob Smith Doe" }

def parse_emails(emails)
valid_emails, invalid_emails = [], []
unless emails.nil?
emails.split(/, ?/).each do |full_email|
unless full_email.blank?
if index = full_email.index(/\<.+\>/)
email = full_email.match(/\<.*\>/)[0].gsub(/[\<\>]/, "").strip
name = full_email[0..index-1].split(" ")
fname = name.first
lname = name[] * " "
email = full_email.strip
#your choice, what the string could be... only mail, only name?
email = email.delete("<").delete(">")
email_address =

if email_address.valid?
valid_emails << { :email => email, :lname => lname, :fname => fname}
invalid_emails << { :email => email, :lname => lname, :fname => fname}
return valid_emails, invalid_emails

How can I extract an email address from a string using Ruby on Rails?

Answer found in a Java post but translated to rails it would be :

string = Fashion business\n\ud83c\udf38 DM for collab\n\ud83c\\n\ud83c\udf

email = string.scan(/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i)

email =

Thanks for you answers

Mail gem. Extract recipient display name and address as separate values

Figured it out, sorry. For anyone else who hits this thread looking for the solution:


Extracting email addresses in an html block in ruby/rails

Another option if lookbehind doesn't work:


This would match all emails, then you can manually check if first captured group is "mailto:" then skip this match.

extract all email addresses from some .txt documents using ruby

Depending on the nature of your .txt documents, you don't have to use one of the complicated regexes that attempt to validate email addresses. You're not trying to validate anything. You're just trying to grab what's already there. Generally speaking, a regex to grab what's already there can be much simpler than a regex that needs to validate input.

An important question is whether your .txt documents contain @ signs that are not part of an email address you want to extract.

This regex handles your first two requirements:

\w+@[\w.-]+|\{(?:\w+, *)+\w+\}@[\w.-]+

Or if you want to allow any sequence of non-space characters containing an @ sign, plus your second requirement (which has spaces):

\S+@\S+|\{(?:\w+, *)+\w+\}@[\w.-]+

Extract emails from comma separated file using ruby

Looks like that is a CSV file, you could parse it like this.

require 'csv'    

csv_text ='input.csv')
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, headers: true)
file ="output.csv", "w")
csv.each do |row|

Parse text email addresses using XPath, NOT //A[startswith(@href, 'mailto:')]

I would like to select a path to element that contains @ inside


//*[contains(., '@')]

It seems to me that what you actually wanted is to select elements that have a text-node child that contains "@". If this is so, use:

//*[contains(text(), '@')]

XSLT - based verification:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select=
"//*[contains(text(), '@')] "/>

when this transformation is applied on the following XML document:

<a href=""></a>

the XPath expression is evaluated and the selected nodes are copied to the output:


Regex to split email address between two characters @ and .

  1. Answer to the question in the post (before it was edited)

    Judging from your code, it seems like you want to extract the top level domain (although it contradicts with the title, which does not make sense). Assuming so, this will give you the top level domain.

    # => "com"
  2. Solution to a different problem that the OP additionally mentions in the comment to this answer

    # => "company_name"

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