No Such File or Directory - Git Ls-Files -- Windows

No such file or directory - git ls-files -- WINDOWS

  1. Right-click "My computer" and choose Properties
  2. Click Advanced system settings
  3. Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and add the directory where git.exe is located. Directories are separated with semicolons.

The funny thing is, that this simple operation is very uncomfortable, especially when your PATH is long and people created tools, only to edit system path.

fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory

Your current directory doesn't exist on the master branch. It was deleted when you checked it out. cd .. a few times until you find a directory that exists.

How to solve '.git/index.lock': No such file or directory' error?

On Windows, this may happen if you enabled the "Ransomware protection" in Setting > Windows security > Virus & threat protection.

You need to add an exclusion for git.exe, or move the project outside a protected folder.

Git no such file or directory

Pathname too long problem

Given that the OP has already tried removing and re-adding the file without success, it is possible that the crux of the problem is that the complete path of Con.php has hit the 260 character limit in windows. However, when I tried to reproduce this problem, the error message clearly said fatal: unable to stat 'very/long/path/name': Filename too long so am not certain that that is the problem.

To check if this is the problem, switch to the directory containing Con.php and execute the following:

pwd -W | wc -c

That should give you a count of the number of characters in the windows path of the current directory. If the count is not >=260 then this is not the problem and I would recommend moving on to Debugging other issues section below. However, if the count is >= 260, then proceed as follows:

git config --system core.longpaths true

and then try adding the file again.

See this in action below, which creates a path with >260 characters and the sets the above option to prove that it fixes the problem.

$ git add 12345
fatal: unable to stat 'This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/and/sixty/characters/This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/and/sixty/characters/This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/more/dir/12345': Filename too long

$ git config --system core.longpaths true
$ git add 12345 #Notice that there is no error now
$ git status #Shows that the file was successfully staged

On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

new file: 12345

Why is this configuration not the default?

If you were wondering about that, read this:

Windows does not properly support files and directories longer than
260 characters. This applies to Windows Explorer, cmd.exe and many
other applications (including many IDEs as well as bash, perl and tcl
that come with Git for Windows).

and note this caveat:

Scripted git commands may still fail with this option, so use at your
own risk

Debugging other issues

If too-long-a-pathname is not the problem, then try executing the following command (of course changing git add 12345 to git add app/CodeBehind/Con.php) and look at the ouptput for clues (and add this to your question to assist other readers in finding out the issue) :


+ git add 12345
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:333 setup: git_dir: .git
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:334 setup: git_common_dir: .git
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:335 setup: worktree: C:/Users/az/test-long-path-problems
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:336 setup: cwd: C:/Users/az/test-long-path-problems
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:337 setup: prefix: This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/and/sixty/characters/This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/and/sixty/characters/This/Is/A/Very/long/pathname/with/more/than/two/hundred/more/dir/
16:06:04.269773 git.c:350 trace: built-in: git 'add' '12345'
16:06:04.269773 trace.c:435 performance: 0.006209300 s: git command: 'git.exe' 'add' '12345'
+ set +x

Github Actions: No such file or Directory error


After smashing my head against a wall for several days, I think I finally figured it out.
The command was failing because of how cmd mkdir behaves, in that, it behaves different from the one in poewrshell.

By changing the Makefile to only create folders if they don't exist already, I was able to fix the issue while still mantaining backwards compatibility, which was one of my requirements.

I have submitted a PR with this fix and at the time of this writing, I am happy to announce it was already merged into master:


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