Error: While Executing Gem ... (Errno::Einval) Invalid Argument - ./Actiondispatch/Routing/Mapper/Scoping/:

getting error while installing watir gem on ruby193

This is due to a bug in the mini_magick gem - see Issue 145. While the issue has been fixed, a new release not yet been released.

You can try getting the unreleased version of mini_magick, though it is probably easier to just use the older version.

Manually install mini_magick (previous version), then install watir:

gem install mini_magick -v 3.5
gem install watir

Can't install any RubyGems, invalid argument error when connecting to sources [gem 2.4.8]

There are [known] issues with SSL on, not on your machine. Explicitly set the source to be HTTP, not HTTPS:

gem install rspec --source

In your Gemfile (if any) you probably should set:

source ''

as the very top line.

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