Errno::Eaccess: Permission Denied @ Dir_S_Mkdir

Errno::EACCESS: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir

Try sudo chown -R jeremy $HOME/.rbenv -- it looks like you have a permissions issue. In the future, only run rbenv as yourself, e.g. no sudo.

how to fix Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir -

If you are using rbenv.

This command from the linked SoF post solves it.

sudo chown -R <your_user> $HOME/.rbenv

Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir (Errno::EACCES) after installing RVM RUBY AND SHOPIFY-CLI

This sometimes happens when you have run some install command as root. That is, if you have for instance installed rvm using sudo for some command - which has put the ownership of a directory to the root user of your computer (remember that MacOS is essentially UNIX with a nice UI).

To solve it, in your terminal you have to run

sudo chown -R roger.rangel: /Users/roger.rangel/.config

Another possibility is that you just don't have that directory, in that case, again in your terminal

mkdir /Users/roger.rangel/.config

Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /spec (Errno::EACCES)

Maybe you did:

# config/application.rb
config.generators do |g|
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: "/spec/factories"

If so, you need to change it from "/spec/factories" to "spec/factories"


CocoaPods permission denied (Errno::EACCES - Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir)

I answered it here: CocoaPods folder does not exist / permissions error

This took me 2 full days to figure it out!

Rails PaperClip Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - ~rails

Solved it. The problem was that the user that handles Rails on the virtual server didn't have all the access needed to generate files on behalf of paperclip in the app's folder. So I gave larger access to the folder using this terminal command:

$ sudo chmod -R 775 /RailsAppFolder

Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir (Errno::EACCES) - on application run

Create a folder in /home/vicky/vanerum/ with name tmp.

For a case, create a folder pids in /home/vicky/vanerum/tmp.

I assume the problem in thin server, it not able to create folder.

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