Update Rvm List Known

Update RVM list known

No it is not, some of the version changes require changes in code,
you should be good with sticking to stable to keep more stability (if that is your concern):

rvm get stable

you should be good with sticking to master (as it's stable) to get latest versions:

rvm get master

rvm list known differs between develop and production

Each RVM version has a hardcoded list of known Ruby versions. If the list differs between installtions, it is generally caused by different RVM versions.

Try to upgrade your RVM version to get the most up-to-date list. With current RVM versions, you can update RVM by running

rvm get latest

trying to update rvm to get more recent ruby versions but not seeming to update


rvm get head
rvm reload
rvm get stable

RVM, where is Ruby 3.0.0?

If you have not updated rvm do that first RVM Upgrading

rvm get stable 
# or
rvm get master # for even newer versions not in stable 3.0.0 in this case

To see all available rubies run

rvm list remote all 
# or
rvm list known # as pointed out in the comments

you should see ruby-3.0.0 in the list of available rubies

Then run

rvm install ruby-3.0.0

How do I upgrade my ruby 1.9.2-p0 to the latest patch level using rvm?

First of all, update your RVM installation by running rvm get stable.

To make sure you're running the new RVM version, you'll then need to run rvm reload (or just open a new terminal).

Once that's done, you can ask RVM to list the ruby versions available to install by running rvm list known.

In the output you should now see:

# MRI Rubies

The square brackets around the patch level indicate that this is currently RVM's default patch level for ruby 1.9.2.

Finally, to install the new ruby version, just run rvm install 1.9.2 - and wait for it to compile!

How do I upgrade RVM when the official way doesn't work?

Install RVM from scratch

1) First remove the current version, see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3558763/1076207

# use sudo at your own discretion
rvm implode --force
gem uninstall rvm
rm -rf ~/.rvm

# open file
vim ~/.bash_profile
# remove lines:
# [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
# close file

2) Follow the directions on the RVM install page: https://rvm.io/rvm/install

RVM upgrade 2.5.0 issues

Often, new releases of Ruby are not available on stable versions of rvm, and if you want them you need to install the head. As previously stated, you can do rvm get head. New windows will use the new version of rvm but if you use a terminal window that was loaded before installing the new version of rvm, you'll need to do a rvm reload.

Then you should be able to rvm install 2.5.

(Do not then do rvm get stable because it will overwrite the head version.)

How to know the lastest version of ruby in Terminal?

rvm get head # update list of known rubies. Necessary if your local list is out of date.
rvm install ruby --latest # install the latest ruby

The latest ruby version (at time of writing) is 2.4.0

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