About Ruby Range

understanding ruby ranges


First will include the last element and second will exclude the last element..

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Hope this helps

Meaning of Ruby === operator on Ranges

1..10 indicates a Range from 0 to 10 in the mathematical sense and hence contains 3.14259

It is not the same as [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].

This array is a consequence of the method Range#each, used by Enumerable#to_a to construct the array representation of an object, yielding only the integer values included
in the Range, since yielding all real values would mean traversing an infinite number of elements.

Range exclusive of boundaries in ruby

You could also check the boundaries using first and last:

range_array.map{|a| a.include?(3660) && a.first != 3660 && a.last != 3660}.any?

Difference between '..' (double-dot) and '...' (triple-dot) in range generation?

The documentation for Range says this:

Ranges constructed using .. run from the beginning to the end inclusively. Those created using ... exclude the end value.

So a..b is like a <= x <= b, whereas a...b is like a <= x < b.

Note that, while to_a on a Range of integers gives a collection of integers, a Range is not a set of values, but simply a pair of start/end values:

(1..5).include?(5)           #=> true
(1...5).include?(5) #=> false

(1..4).include?(4.1) #=> false
(1...5).include?(4.1) #=> true
(1..4).to_a == (1...5).to_a #=> true
(1..4) == (1...5) #=> false

The docs used to not include this, instead requiring reading the Pickaxe’s section on Ranges. Thanks to @MarkAmery (see below) for noting this update.

Difference between Range.include? and Range.member? in Ruby

They are aliases of each other. If you expand the source code in the docs you see they both refer to the same internal function.

Mapping a range in ruby

There is currently (Ruby 2.2.2) no better way than just


If you look into the documentation of Range, you see that none of the methods directly implement something like that.

Then, there is the included module Enumerable which already looses the range semantics (being defined by first and last element).

You could monkey-patch it yourself like:

class Range
def rmap(&b)
Range.new(yield(self.begin), yield(self.end), exclude_end?)

and then do (years.ago requires ActiveSupport/Rails):

(1..5).rmap { | a | a.years.ago }

Obviously, the block has to yield values suitable for creating a range.

Ruby: Ranges or Sequences?

The confusion stems from the fact that Ruby has two types of ranges, which are treated somewhat differently: numeric ranges, having numeric objects as endpoints, and non-numeric ranges, having non-numeric objects as endpoints.

The doc for Range#include? states, "Returns true if obj is an element of the range, false otherwise. If begin and end are numeric, comparison is done according to the magnitude of the values.". Therefore,

(1..10).include? 2.17 #=> true

does not mean that 2.17 is an element of the range, merely that 2.17.between?(1, 10) #=> true.

You have a point that the first sentence of the doc is inaccurate--or at best misleading--for numeric ranges. After all, if we write

(1..10).any? { |n| n == 2.17 } #=> false

what does it mean that 2.17 is "an element of the range"? That is not an issue for non-numeric ranges.

I think the doc for Range#include? should be more precise. Firstly, after having earlier defined numeric and non-numeric ranges, it would be helpful to define the concept of a member or element of a non-numeric range: "For a non-numeric range r, obj is a member of r if and only if r.any? { |o| o == obj } #=> true. I see no reason to attempt a definition of member for numeric ranges.

Range#include? might then be documented as follows: "A numeric range r returns true if r.begin <= obj <= r.end for two-dot ranges and r.begin <= obj < r.end for three-dot ranges; else returns false. A non-numeric range returns true if obj is a member of the range; else false."

Open ranges in Ruby using floats?

you can exclude rightmost element of the range with .... See example below

(1..10).to_a # an array of numbers from 1 to 10 - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

(1...10).to_a # an array of numbers from 1 to 9 - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Ruby range: operators in case statement

It should just work like you said. The below case construct includes the value 500.

case my_number
# between 100 and 500
when 100..500
puts "Correct, do something"


case 500
when 100..500
puts "Yep"

will return Yep

Or would you like to perform a separate action if the value is exactly 500?

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