Python:Compare Two CSV Files and Print Out Differences

Python : Compare two csv files and print out differences

The problem is that you are comparing each line in fileone to the same line in filetwo. As soon as there is an extra line in one file you will find that the lines are never equal again. Try this:

with open('old.csv', 'r') as t1, open('new.csv', 'r') as t2:
fileone = t1.readlines()
filetwo = t2.readlines()

with open('update.csv', 'w') as outFile:
for line in filetwo:
if line not in fileone:

How to compare two CSV files in Python?

Method 1: pandas

This task can be done with relative ease using pandas. DataFrame documentation here.


In the example below, the two CSV files are read into two DataFrames. The DataFrames are merged using an inner join on the matching columns.

The output shows the merged result.

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.read_csv('file1.csv', names=['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], quotechar="'", skipinitialspace=True)
df2 = pd.read_csv('file2.csv', names=['match'])

df = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on=df1['col3'], right_on=df2['match'], how='inner')

The quotechar and skipinitialspace parameters are used as the first column in file1 is quoted and contains a comma, and there is leading whitespace after the comma before the last field.


    col1            col2            col3
0 A J1, Jhon1 A/B-201 Test1
1 A J3, Jhon3 A/B-203 Test3

If you choose, the output can easily be written back to a CSV file as:


For other DataFrame operations, refer to the documentation linked above.

Method 2: Core Python

The method below does not use any libraries, only core Python.

  1. Read the matches from file2 into a list.
  2. Iterate over file1 and search each line to determine if the last value is a match for an item in file2.
  3. Report the output.

Any subsequent data cleaning (if required) will be up to your personal requirements or use-case.


output = []

# Read the matching values into a list.
with open('file2.csv') as f:
matches = [i.strip() for i in f]

# Iterate over file1 and place any matches into the output.
with open('file1.csv') as f:
for i in f:
match = i.split(',')[-1].strip()
if any(match == j for j in matches):


["'A J1, Jhon1',, A/B-201 Test1\n",
"'A J3, Jhon3',, A/B-203 Test3\n"]

How to compare two csv files and print all the differences

You could consider using difflib for this, but it will have the same limitations as command-line diff. It can report a line as "new" when it's merely moved.

Assuming order isn't important, the set-based approach is probably what you need.

Python : How to compare two csv files and print out the matching strings in a new file

Try below code:

import pandas as pd

Hope this helps!

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