Remove Last Few Characters in Pyspark Dataframe Column

remove last few characters in PySpark dataframe column

You can use expr function

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import substring, length, col, expr
>>> df = df.withColumn("flower",expr("substring(name, 1, length(name)-5)"))
| name|year| flower|
| rose_2012|2012| rose|
| jasmine_2013|2013| jasmine|
| lily_2014|2014| lily|
| daffodil_2017|2017| daffodil|

remove last character from pyspark df columns

Use list comprehension*[regexp_replace(F.col(c),"'",'').alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()

| col1| col2|

Trim String Characters in Pyspark dataframe

Based upon your input and expected output. See below logic -

from pyspark.sql.functions import *

df = spark.createDataFrame(data = [("ABC00909083888",) ,("ABC93890380380",) ,("XYZ7394949",) ,("XYZ3898302",) ,("PQR3799_ABZ",) ,("MGE8983_ABZ",)], schema = ["values",])

(df.withColumn("new_vals", when(col('values').rlike("(_ABZ$)"), regexp_replace(col('values'),r'(_ABZ$)', '')).otherwise(col('values')))
.withColumn("final_vals", expr(("substring(new_vals, 4 ,length(new_vals))")))


| values| new_vals| final_vals|
| XYZ7394949| XYZ7394949| 7394949|
| XYZ3898302| XYZ3898302| 3898302|
| PQR3799_ABZ| PQR3799| 3799|
| MGE8983_ABZ| MGE8983| 8983|

PySpark: Remove leading numbers and full stop from dataframe column

With a Dataframe like the following.
| ID|runner_name|
| 1| 123.John|
| 2| 5.42Anna|
| 3| .203Josh|
| 4| 102Paul|

You can do remove the leading numbers and periods like this.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df = (df.withColumn("runner_name",
F.regexp_replace('runner_name', r'(^[\d\.]+)', '')))
| ID|runner_name|
| 1| John|
| 2| Anna|
| 3| Josh|
| 4| Paul|

Pyspark dataframe drop last element in list column

If you just want to remove last element from array column of spark you can try below code where I have used array except

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
testdf=spark.createDataFrame([("",),("",),("",)],"id string")

| id| bef@| aft@|extention| domain|
|| abc|| com| [gmail]|
|faden@domain.doma...|faden|| com|[domain, domain2]|
|| fba|| org| [a]|

As per the update if you just want to extract string after last . (which you named as an extension) and string between @ and last . (which you named as domain) then you can use regexp extract as below

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
testdf=spark.createDataFrame([("",),("",),("",),("",)],"id string")

| id| domain|extention|
|| gmail| com|
|faden@domain.doma...| domain.domain2| com|
|| a| org|
|faden@domain.doma...|domain.domain2.dom3| com|

Pyspark removing multiple characters in a dataframe column

You can use pyspark.sql.functions.translate() to make multiple replacements. Pass in a string of letters to replace and another string of equal length which represents the replacement values.

For example, let's say you had the following DataFrame:

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df = sqlCtx.createDataFrame([("$100,00",),("#foobar",),("foo, bar, #, and $",)], ["A"])
#| A|
#| $100,00|
#| #foobar|
#|foo, bar, #, and $|

and wanted to replace ('$', '#', ',') with ('X', 'Y', 'Z'). Simply use translate like:"A", f.translate(f.col("A"), "$#,", "XYZ").alias("replaced")).show()
#| A| replaced|
#| $100,00| X100Z00|
#| #foobar| Yfoobar|
#|foo, bar, #, and $|fooZ barZ YZ and X|

If instead you wanted to remove all instances of ('$', '#', ','), you could do this with pyspark.sql.functions.regexp_replace()."A", f.regexp_replace(f.col("A"), "[\$#,]", "").alias("replaced")).show()
#| A| replaced|
#| $100,00| 10000|
#| #foobar| foobar|
#|foo, bar, #, and $|foo bar and |

The pattern "[\$#,]" means match any of the characters inside the brackets. The $ has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in regex.

substring multiple characters from the last index of a pyspark string column using negative indexing

This is how you use substring. Your position will be -3 and the length is 3.

pyspark.sql.functions.substring(str, pos, len)

You need to change your substring function call to:

from pyspark.sql.functions import substring['number'], -3, 3), 'event_type').show(2)
#|substring(number, -3, 3)|event_type|
#| 022| 11|
#| 715| 11|

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