Python Overflowerror: Int Too Large to Convert to Float

OverflowError: int too large to convert to float for p = 10**200-1 and q = -10**200

As the error points out, the int is too large to be converted to a float normally.
Python has this module named decimal, you could use decimal.Decimal to do your float conversions.

from decimal import Decimal

def ec_grad2(p, q):
delta = p ** 2 - 4 * q
sqrt_delta = Decimal(delta) ** Decimal(0.5)
if delta < 0:
return "No real solutions"
elif delta == 0:
x1 = -p / 2
x2 = x1
return (x1, x2)
elif delta > 0:
x1 = -2 * q / (p + sqrt_delta)
x2 = 2 * q / (sqrt_delta - p)
return (x1, x2)

def printing(function_return):
if type(function_return) == str:
a, b = function_return
print("x1 = {:.20f} si x2 = {:.20f}".format(a, b))

This should work for you

OverflowError: int too large to convert to float - Python

According to Python Tutorial in cases where precision is important it's better to use decimal or fractions modules.

For example, instead of writing f2 = 1/(exp+1) you should write

from fractions import Fraction
f2 = Fraction(1, exp+1)

Read this article to get a better understanding.

Note that doing such heavy computations is not recommended in Python itself even with built-in libraries like fractions. You should use libraries such as NumPy for better performance and also better precision.

Python OverflowError: int too large to convert to float

The best solution to this question runs in linear time. Here's the idea:

let's look at a shorter example: 1234

consider the total sum of the substrings which end on the ith digit (0..3)

substringsum[0]: 1 (we have only a single substring)
substringsum[1]: 2 + 12 (two substrings)
substringsum[2]: 3+23+123 (three substrings)
substringsum[3]: 4 + 34+234+1234

see a pattern?

let's look at substringsum[2]:

3 + 23 + 123 = 3 + 20+3 + 120+3 = 3*3 + 20+120 = 3*3 + 10*(2+12) = 3*3 +10*substringsum[1]

in general:

substringsum[k] = (k+1)*digit[k] + 10 * substringsum[k-1]

This you can compute in linear time.

This type of ideas is called "Dynamic Programming"

OverflowError: int too large to convert to float

For this problem you should not need to floating-point numbers at all.

You probably didn't intend this, but accidentally used them by the line

r = r / 10

because this is the floating-point division operator.

To remove the last digit from a number, use integer division:

r = r // 10

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