Centering Text in Ipython Notebook Markdown/Heading Cells

Centering Text in IPython notebook markdown/heading cells?

You can actually use the markdown mode for the cell and use the normal HTML code, as in

<h1><center>Centered text!</center></h1>

Centering text using html in jupyter notebook without vertical shift

You can use something like this in a jupyter cell:

<span style="float: left; width: 33%; text-align: left;">Word1</span>
<span style="float: left; width: 33%; text-align: center;">Word2</span>

EDIT: sorry missed the markdown aspect. For markdown remove the %%html magic, so just this:

<span style="float: left; width: 33%; text-align: left;">Word1</span>
<span style="float: left; width: 33%; text-align: center;">Word2</span>

This works because markdown is a subset of html.

ipython notebook align table to the left of cell

Well, yes !

| Name | Description | age         
| :- |-------------: | :-:
|Mary| She is a nice girl. | 20
| Jackie Junior | He is a very naughty boy. | 5
  • :--- or --- = left align
  • ---: = right align
  • :---: = centered


How to right-align and justify-align in Markdown?

Aligning text in native markdown is not possible. However, you can align the text using inline HTML tags.

<div style="text-align: right"> your-text-here </div>

To justify, replace right with justify in the above.

Adding custom styled paragraphs in markdown cells

A simple way to add warning, note, success (etc...) boxes (also called admonition or alert boxes) is simply using the bootstrap classes already included with the notebook. The only caveat is that links and other styles (e.g. bold) must be specified in HTML inside the box.


A markdown cell containing this code:

# Upload data files
<p class="lead">This <a href="">Jupyter notebook</a>
shows how to upload data files to be converted
to [Photon-HDF5]( format. </p>

<i>Please send feedback and report any problems to the
[Photon-HDF5 google group](!forum/photon-hdf5).</i>

<div class="alert alert-warning">
<b>NOTE</b> Uploading data files is only necessary when running the notebook online.

will result in this output:

enter image description here

You can change alert-warning with alert-success, alert-info or alert-danger to get different colors for the box.

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