Regex to Append Some Characters in a Certain Position

Regex to append some characters in a certain position

You may try the following find and replace, in regex mode:

Find:    ^([^(]+)(.*?;)(CAT.*)$
Replace: $1$2$1;$3

The idea here is to just subdivide each line into pieces we need to thread together the replacement. In this case, the first capture group is the word which we plan on inserting after the first semicolon, before CAT.


Just noticed you are using Python. We can try:

inp = """aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;"""
output = re.sub(r'([^(]+)(.*?;)(CAT.*?;)\s*', '\\1\\2\\1;\\3\n', inp)

This prints:

aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);aarhus;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;

How do I add a character at a specific position in a string?

If you want to add a character after the sixth character, simple use the search


and the replacement


(Example inserts a ,)

technically spoken this will replace the first 6 characters of every line with MatchGroup 1 (backreference $1) followed by a comma.

Regex to add a character at nth position?

You could use the ^ character to anchor the regular expression to the start of the string:


See regex tester

regex to match character in specific position

You say you're looking for C, F or E but looking for A in your example, so please include in the brackets any other letters you want to match, but what you're looking for is:


It should be {8} rather than {9} because the way you had it, it'll match the first 9 characters and then match your letter in position 10.

java regex insert character as specific index position

Replace ^.{3} (3 [{3}] characters [.] at the start of the string [^]) with $&/ (the match $&, followed by a /).

Insert some characters in a specific place with a regex

Assuming there will always be no space between the close parentheses and the beginning of a new function (starting with an upper- or lower-case letter), you could use this. This also assumes that you will always want to insert a newline when there is a close parentheses immediately followed by a letter.

text <- "\\usage{afunction(arg = list())anotherfunction()}\\somethingelse{}"

gsub("(\\))([A-Za-z])", "\\1 \\\\n \\2", text)
# [1] "\\usage{afunction(arg = list()) \\n anotherfunction()}\\somethingelse{}"

How do I append String data to certain positions using python regular expressions?

You can back-reference matched group in re.sub

>>> import re
>>> s = "Some show 14x01 - the one where they do thing 1"
>>> re.sub(r"(\d{2}).(\d{2})", r"S\1E\2",s)
>>> 'Some show S14E01 - the one where they do thing 1'

Here \1 refer to first matched group and \2 refer to second matched group.

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