Laravel Merge Relationships

Laravel merge relationships

Try out getter method for property which returns merged collections returned from relations.

public function getCompetitionsAttribute($value)
// There two calls return collections
// as defined in relations.
$competitionsHome = $this->competitionsHome;
$competitionsGuest = $this->competitionsGuest;

// Merge collections and return single collection.
return $competitionsHome->merge($competitionsGuest);

Or you can call additional methods before collection is returned to get different result sets.

public function getCompetitionsAttribute($value)
// There two calls return collections
// as defined in relations.
// `latest()` method is shorthand for `orderBy('created_at', 'desc')`
// method call.
$competitionsHome = $this->competitionsHome()->latest()->get();
$competitionsGuest = $this->competitionsGuest()->latest()->get();

// Merge collections and return single collection.
return $competitionsHome->merge($competitionsGuest);

How to merge two eloquent and load relationships

Push elements of $e2 to $e1 collection then use $e1 as you see fit.

foreach ($e2 as $e) {

How to merge hasMany relationships and return a relationship in Laravel?

Eloquent Relationships aren't designed to match one or the other field, they are designed to have one foreign key. You can run a query within your method to get the results you need without relying a relationship.

As discussed in the comments, if you want to re-use that query, contain that logic in a protected function.

 protected function allMatchesQuery()
// This needs to be wrapped in a nested query or else your orWhere will not be contained in parentheses.
return Match::where(function($q) {
$q->where('team_one_id', $this->id)->orWhere('team_two_id', $this->id);

public function getMatches() {
return $this->allMatchesQuery()->get();

public function getRecentMatches() {
return $this->allMatchesQuery()->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->limit(10)->get();

how can we merge multiple relation into one dimensional array using apiresources laravel

Step 1: Define a ComponentLog -> Rfid belongsTo relationship

class ComponentLog extends Model
use HasFactory;

public function reader()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\RfidReader','rfid_reader_id');

public function rfid()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Rfid', 'rfid_id');

Step 2: Get the results from ComponentLog to avoid hasMany relationships

$logs = ComponentLog::with(['rfid', 'reader.department'])->get();

Step 3: Map the results

$logs->transform(function ($log) {
return [
'rfid' => $log->rfid->rfid,
'department_name' => $log->reader->department->department_name,
'rfid_reader_id' => $log->rfid_reader_id,
'check_in' => $log->check_in,
'check_out' => $log->check_out

You can also do it inline.

$logs = ComponentLog::with(['rfid', 'reader.department'])
->transform(function ($log) {
return [
'rfid' => $log->rfid->rfid,
'department_name' => $log->reader->department->department_name,
'rfid_reader_id' => $log->rfid_reader_id,
'check_in' => $log->check_in,
'check_out' => $log->check_out

Laravel - How to merge relationship results?

You can load the data and remap it manually using map() method. I've just tested this code and it works perfectly with hasOne() relationship:

$users = TournamentUser::where('customer_id', $id)->with('user')->get();
$users->map(function ($i) {
$i->nickname = $i->user->nickname; // Set related nickname.
unset($i->user); // Delete user data from the collection.
return $i;

Alternatively, you could use an accessor, but in this case, you'll meet the N+1 problem.

Laravel merge relationship of multiple models into one query

You need to define the relationship between User and bacheca. Something like this may work, but you might need to change the foreign and/or local keys to suit your database schema:

class User extends Authenticatable {

public function relazioneFollower() {
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_follower', 'follower_id', 'following_id')->withTimestamps();

public function bachecas() {
return $this->hasMany(bacheca::class, 'following_id', 'id_utente');

Then when retrieving the posts it should be as simple as using with(), but one caveat might be the select() method. I don't think you can grab the relationship fields from this method. Instead you need to add it to the with() method. Here's the full request:

$posts = User::with([

->where('user_follower.stato', 2)
->where('user_follower.follower_id', '=', $current_id)
->where(function ($filter) {
$filter->where('privacy', 1);
->orWhere(function ($filter) {
$filter->where('privacy', 2)
->where('relazione', 2)
->orWhere('relazione', 3);
->orWhere(function ($filter) {
$filter->where('privacy', 3)
->where('relazione', 3);
->orWhere(function ($filter) {
$filter->where('privacy', 5)
->where('relazione', 2)
->orWhere('relazione', 3)
->orWhere('relazione', 4);

->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
->select('', '', 'users.cognome', 'users.fotoProfilo')


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