Finding the PHP File (At Run Time) Where a Class Was Defined

Finding the PHP File (at run time) where a Class was Defined

Try ReflectionClass

  • ReflectionClass::getFileName — Gets a filename


class Foo {}
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass('Foo');
echo $reflector->getFileName();

This will return false when the filename cannot be found, e.g. on native classes.

preloaded php class file location

Check the include path(s) to see which directories are relevant.


Use Reflection class to get the actual file

Find out the directory where the class instance was created?

Yes, you can use debug_backtrace()

class A {
function __construct() {

PHP: unable to locate functions being used (seemingly not defined)

Maybe the class was included in a php file that is including some external libraries? The functions might be taken from these libraries.

Get name of file which run function/class in PHP

See debug_backtrace.

In your MySql class you can simply call this function, and trace the call to it's origin.

PHP: Class file in the same directory not being recognized?

make sure you're actually declaring the class in your class file

class tattler_stats {
// class code here

if you are already doing that, try specifying the path more concretely:

include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class.tattler_stats.php');

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