Cakephp Does Not Use My Models

CakePHP does not use my models

It's not possible to give a directly-working answer because: There's nothing wrong with the code in the question. That probably means you aren't running your own code at all.

Given that the only answer that can be given is advice, the only class that matters for the example in the question is Owner.

Check filenames

The model conventions are:

The Model class OptionValue would be found in a file named OptionValue.php

Misnamed model files is by far the most common cause of "why is my model logic not being executed" questions. One pitfall is to add the suffix Model.php to model files, is the model file named correctly?

In this case check that the file app/Model/Owner.php exists.

Verify that the model is your model

If you're sure the model file is named correctly check what the app is using:

########## DEBUG ##########

If the output is "AppModel" - the model file is not loaded. There are very few reasons why CakePHP will not use a file that exists and one of them will apply:

  • The file does not exist - there is a typo in the name
  • The application is not looking in the same directory you are
  • The application doesn't have permission to open the file

Verify the association exists

########## DEBUG ##########
'Car' => array(
'className' => 'Car',
'foreignKey' => 'owner_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'dependent' => '',
'exclusive' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'counterQuery' => ''

If Car is not in the output - the association isn't saved because to cake it doesn't exist - you'll need to identify why.

Check which files are loaded

If in doubt, check which files are loaded at run time:

########## DEBUG ##########

This may indicate that a different file is being loaded, which prevents app/Model/Owner.php from being loaded.

Use a test to verify what's happening

You can use a test case to aide debugging for example:

App::uses('Owner', 'Model');

class OwnerTest extends CakeTestCase {

public $fixtures = array(

public function setUp() {
$this->Owner = ClassRegistry::init('Owner');

public function tearDown() {

public function testCreate() {
$data = array(
'Owner' => array(
'name' => 'Me'
'Car' => array(
'Car' => array(
'color' => 'red',
'color' => 'blue',

$this->assertSame('Owner', get_class($this->Owner));

$log = $this->Owner->getDatasource()->getLog();
$expected = array();
$this->assertSame($expected, $log, 'Look ma, the sql log');

Which should output:

-> Console/cake test Test/Case/Model/OwnerTest.php 

Welcome to CakePHP v2.4.5 Console
App : app
Path: /var/www/
CakePHP Test Shell
PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 169 ms, Memory: 9.00Mb

There was 1 failure:

1) OwnerTest::testCreate
Look ma, the sql log
Failed asserting that Array (
'log' => Array (
0 => Array (
'query' => 'BEGIN'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => null
'numRows' => null
'took' => null
1 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`owners` (`name`) VALUES ('Me')'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
2 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`cars` (`color`, `owner_id`) VALUES ('red', 1)'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
3 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`cars` (`color`, `owner_id`) VALUES ('blue', 1)'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
4 => Array (
'query' => 'COMMIT'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
'count' => 9
'time' => 0.0
) is identical to Array ().

Tests: 1, Assertions: 2, Failures: 1.

Note that correctly one owner was created for "Me", and two cars - each linked to the owner record for "Me".

CakePHP does not use my models

It's not possible to give a directly-working answer because: There's nothing wrong with the code in the question. That probably means you aren't running your own code at all.

Given that the only answer that can be given is advice, the only class that matters for the example in the question is Owner.

Check filenames

The model conventions are:

The Model class OptionValue would be found in a file named OptionValue.php

Misnamed model files is by far the most common cause of "why is my model logic not being executed" questions. One pitfall is to add the suffix Model.php to model files, is the model file named correctly?

In this case check that the file app/Model/Owner.php exists.

Verify that the model is your model

If you're sure the model file is named correctly check what the app is using:

########## DEBUG ##########

If the output is "AppModel" - the model file is not loaded. There are very few reasons why CakePHP will not use a file that exists and one of them will apply:

  • The file does not exist - there is a typo in the name
  • The application is not looking in the same directory you are
  • The application doesn't have permission to open the file

Verify the association exists

########## DEBUG ##########
'Car' => array(
'className' => 'Car',
'foreignKey' => 'owner_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'dependent' => '',
'exclusive' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'counterQuery' => ''

If Car is not in the output - the association isn't saved because to cake it doesn't exist - you'll need to identify why.

Check which files are loaded

If in doubt, check which files are loaded at run time:

########## DEBUG ##########

This may indicate that a different file is being loaded, which prevents app/Model/Owner.php from being loaded.

Use a test to verify what's happening

You can use a test case to aide debugging for example:

App::uses('Owner', 'Model');

class OwnerTest extends CakeTestCase {

public $fixtures = array(

public function setUp() {
$this->Owner = ClassRegistry::init('Owner');

public function tearDown() {

public function testCreate() {
$data = array(
'Owner' => array(
'name' => 'Me'
'Car' => array(
'Car' => array(
'color' => 'red',
'color' => 'blue',

$this->assertSame('Owner', get_class($this->Owner));

$log = $this->Owner->getDatasource()->getLog();
$expected = array();
$this->assertSame($expected, $log, 'Look ma, the sql log');

Which should output:

-> Console/cake test Test/Case/Model/OwnerTest.php 

Welcome to CakePHP v2.4.5 Console
App : app
Path: /var/www/
CakePHP Test Shell
PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 169 ms, Memory: 9.00Mb

There was 1 failure:

1) OwnerTest::testCreate
Look ma, the sql log
Failed asserting that Array (
'log' => Array (
0 => Array (
'query' => 'BEGIN'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => null
'numRows' => null
'took' => null
1 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`owners` (`name`) VALUES ('Me')'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
2 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`cars` (`color`, `owner_id`) VALUES ('red', 1)'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
3 => Array (
'query' => 'INSERT INTO `test_database_name`.`cars` (`color`, `owner_id`) VALUES ('blue', 1)'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
4 => Array (
'query' => 'COMMIT'
'params' => Array ()
'affected' => 1
'numRows' => 1
'took' => 0.0
'count' => 9
'time' => 0.0
) is identical to Array ().

Tests: 1, Assertions: 2, Failures: 1.

Note that correctly one owner was created for "Me", and two cars - each linked to the owner record for "Me".

Cakephp model not working

Is your Model file name is Vehicle.php or vehicle.php ?
If it is lowercase that mean your model is generating on fly and cant read useTable from file because it is not using that file.
Also can you show your table primary key ? If it is not 'id' you must specify it with this code.

public $primaryKey = 'example_id';

CakePHP $belongsTo not working

possible duplicate of CakePHP does not save associated Models. see This is by far the most common cause of "why is my model logic not being executed" questions.

It was the file names, some of them where the plural form vs. singular. I changed Events.php to Event.php and Companies.php to Company.php that seemed to do the trick.

How to use models without database on CakePHP and have associations?

I would suggest using ArraySource from the community-maintained CakePHP Datasources plugin:

  • CakePHP 1.3.x - see master branch
  • CakePHP 2.x - see 2.0 branch

Download the entire plugin and extract the contents to app/plugins/datasources.

Define a connection to the datasource in app/config/database.php:

public $array = array('datasource' => 'Datasources.array');

This should allow you to emulate a table by defining records in your model:

class Country extends AppModel {

public $useDbConfig = 'array';

public $records = array(
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Test record')


cakephp: how to use find statements in models instead of controller

The answers which have been given answer part of your question. You can use the find method without the Model class declaration (so $this->find() instead of $this->Model->find()).

To adhere to the "fat models, skinny controllers" principle, your models should hold most of the business logic of your application, while the controllers handle the data from the model that's used by your views.

So, if you want to have all the find logic happening in your models, you should do the following.


class ProductModel extends AppModel {
//Associations, etc. go here

function getProducts($limit=5) {
$products = array();
$products = $this->find('all', array('limit' => $limit));
return $products;

Note that you cannot use $this->set() in your model, you should use it in your controller:


class ProductsController extends AppController {
//Components, helpers, etc. go here

function index() {
$products = $this->Product->getProducts(10);
$this->set('products', $products);

A populated $products variable (if there are records in the revelant database table) will now be available in you view.

This is a great article detailing the concepts of Cake and there's another one in the Cookbook on MVC in general.

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