Hidden Features of PHP

Hidden Features of PHP?

Documentation. The documentation gets my vote. I haven't encountered a more thorough online documentation for a programming language everything else I have to piece together from various websites and man pages.

Laravel: Why is Eloquent displaying hidden fields?

That's because these fields are only hidden when you convert your model to array or JSON.

From the documentation:

Sometimes you may wish to limit the attributes, such as passwords, that are included in your model's array or JSON representation.

The whole documentation about this topic is available here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-serialization#hiding-attributes-from-json

The goal is to remove them from your API responses.

However, you might still use them when you are working with your models in controllers, services... that's why you see them.

You can check it works by doing:

$user = User::first();
$user->toArray(); // hidden attributes not included
$user->toJson(); // hidden attributes not included

Restrict some site features for members

Just to illustrate, on your index.php page, or whatever page, for testing, paste this code at the very top and use the links to toggle between sessions:

<?php session_start(); ?>

<a href="?admin=1">Admin User</a>
<a href="?admin=0">Not Admin</a>
<a href="?admin=base">Not logged in</a>

if(isset($_GET['admin']) && $_GET['admin'] == 1)
$_SESSION['admin'] = true;
elseif(isset($_GET['admin']) && $_GET['admin'] == 0)
$_SESSION['admin'] = false;

if(isset($_GET['admin']) && $_GET['admin'] == 'base')
if(isset($_SESSION['admin'])) unset($_SESSION['admin']);

if(isset($_SESSION['admin']) && $_SESSION['admin'] == true) { ?>
<p>You are admin and this is your image</p>
<img src="http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/african-tree-frog.jpg" />
<?php } elseif(isset($_SESSION['admin']) && $_SESSION['admin'] == false) { ?>
<p>You are NOT admin but logged in. This is your image.</p>
<img src="http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/images/051007_robot_fish.jpg" />
<?php }

if(!isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { ?>
<h2>You are not logged in!</h2>
<?php } ?>

<p>This is a site about animals. Everyone can read this.</p>
<?php session_destroy(); ?>

hide feature toggle in production mode

Wrapped the Toggle in #if DEBUG

Toggle(isOn: .constant(true), label: {

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