Submitting JSON Data via Jquery Ajax.Post to PHP

Submitting JSON data via JQuery to PHP

Where you went wrong in your code in the first code is that you must have used this:

var_dump(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"))); //and not $_POST['data']

Quoting from PHP Manual

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body.

Since in your case, you are submitting a JSON in the body, you have to read it from this stream. Usual method of $_POST['field_name'] wont work, because the post body is not in an URLencoded format.

In the second part, you must have used this:

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "ajax/selectSingle.php?m=getAbsence",
data: JSON.stringify({'Absence' : JSON.stringify(this)}),


When request has a content type application/json, PHP wont parse the request and give you the JSON object in $_POST, you must parse it yourself from the raw HTTP body. The JSON string is retrieved using file_get_contents("php://input");.

If you must get that using $_POSTyou would make it:

data: {"data":JSON.stringify({'Absence' : JSON.stringify(this)})},

And then in PHP do:

$json = json_decode($_POST['data']);

How do I use to send JSON data to a php script?

Using jQuery you can send data to your end point using the POST protocol. Example below

url : 'taskmanager.php',
type : 'POST',
data : JSON.stringify(dataStore),
success : function(res) {
// Successfully sent data.
error: function(err) {
// Unable to send data.

You may also use the $.post method, its just a preference. $.ajax provides with some extra flexibility, in case you maybe want to update your protocol to GET instead of post or numerous other instances...

More info on this here:

Sending JSON to PHP using ajax

Lose the contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",. You're not sending JSON to the server, you're sending a normal POST query (that happens to contain a JSON string).

That should make what you have work.

Thing is, you don't need to use JSON.stringify or json_decode here at all. Just do:

data: {myData:postData},

Then in PHP:

$obj = $_POST['myData'];

how to pass JSON data to php using ajax post

1) How can I examine the posted data? I.e. "Received Data: "+WHAT in syslog to see its structure.

As I understand you are debugging the code, so syslog can be not the best idea.
I would simply use the browser network console to see the content of requests and a simple php file like this to see the content of $_POST:

echo json_encode($_POST);

In more complex cases - use the actual debugger.

2) JSON parse error? Most examples I see use this stringify function. then they use json_decode to get the values. Why the parse error?

You are trying to use the json key in your $_POST, but you didn't instruct jQuery to add it, so you are receiving not what you expected.

There are few issues with your $.ajax call, here is the commented version:

type: 'POST',
url: './json.php',
dataType: 'json', // Note: dataType is only important for the response
// jQuery now expects that your server code
// will return json

// here you need to add the 'json' key
data: {'json': JSON.stringify(data)},

// the success method has different order of parameters
//success: function(xhr, status, errorMessage) {
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
alert("response was "+data);
error: function(xhr, status, errorMessage) {
$("#debug").append("RESPONSE: "+xhr.responseText+", error: "+errorMessage);

Now on the server you will have $_POST['json'] with serialized string and you can json_decode it.

Alternatively you can send the JSON data without serialization:

var data = {'test': 'abc'};

type: 'POST',
url: './json.php',
// No 'JSON.stringify()', just send your data
data: data,

And on the server you will have $_POST['test'] with abc value (so you have your json already converted into array).

Posting JSON with jquery ajax to PHP

Your code works if you remove dataType: 'json', just tested it.

$('#save').click(function() {
var tmp = JSON.stringify($('.dd').nestable('serialize'));
// tmp value: [{"id":21,"children":[{"id":196},{"id":195},{"id":49},{"id":194}]},{"id":29,"children":[{"id":184},{"id":152}]},...]
type: 'POST',
url: 'save_categories.php',
data: {'categories': tmp},
success: function(msg) {

Saving data into a text file sent as JSON with Ajax

You must know that in PHP json_decode generates an Array that you can't write into an text file.

So only remove the json_decode command.

Uable to send POST data to JSON file via JQuery/AJAX, Why?

Client side scripting languages are used to send and retrieve data which resides on server side. We can't use them to write/edit data on server side.

For doing so, we have to use server side scripting languages like PHP or ASP or any other which you prefer.

The video you referred was an API written in Core PHP used for retrieving / writing data from / to a json file which resides on server.

In my below code i have used PHP to write submitted data to a json file via jQuery/AJAX.

Check this out..


if (isset($_POST['params'])) {
$params = $_POST['params'];

$oldData = file_get_contents('orders.json');
$tmp = json_decode($oldData);
array_push($tmp, $params);
$newData = json_encode($tmp);

if (is_writable('orders.json')) {
file_put_contents('orders.json', $newData);
echo $newData;
} else {
echo "file is not writable, check permissions";


<h1>Jquery  Ajax Tutorial</h1>

<h3>Coffie Orders</h3>

<ul id="orders"></ul>

<h4>Add a Coffie Order</h4>
<p> Name: <input type="text" id="name"> </p>
<p> Drink:  <input type="text" id="drink"> </p>
<button id="add-order">Add!</button>
<script src='js/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src='js/main.js'></script>


let $orders = $('#orders');
let $name = $('#name');
let $drink = $('#drink');

function addOrder(order) {
$orders.append('<li>Name: '+ +', Drink: '+ order.drink +'</li>');

let order = {
name: $name.val(),
drink: $drink.val()

type: 'POST',
url: '/api/process.php',
data: { params: order },
success: function(resp) {
error: function(){
alert('Error Adding Orders');

type: 'GET',
url: '/api/orders.json',
success: function (orders) {
$.each(orders, function(i, orders) {
error: function(){
alert('Error Loading Page');


"id": 1,
"name": "James",
"drink": "Coffiee"
"id": 2,
"name": "John",
"drink": "Latte"

Note: Here, i am not writing id to json file for new orders.

Hope, this piece of code works fine for you. :) :)

Send form data with jquery ajax json

here is a simple one

here is my test.php for testing only


// this is just a test
//send back to the ajax request the request

echo json_encode($_POST);

here is my index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>



<form id="form" action="" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
Age: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
FavColor: <input type="text" name="favc"><br>
<input id="submit" type="button" name="submit" value="submit">

<script src=""></script>
// click on button submit
$("#submit").on('click', function(){
// send ajax
url: 'test.php', // url where to submit the request
type : "POST", // type of action POST || GET
dataType : 'json', // data type
data : $("#form").serialize(), // post data || get data
success : function(result) {
// you can see the result from the console
// tab of the developer tools
error: function(xhr, resp, text) {
console.log(xhr, resp, text);


Both file are place in the same directory

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